In order to strengthen the vocational education ecosystem in Indonesia and answer the challenges of the times, the Directorate General of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) continues to take strategic steps. One significant effort is through professional training programs for vocational lecturers, which are an important pillar in vocational higher education.
This training program gathered 12 selected vocational lecturers from various polytechnics in Indonesia, including Hutama Arif Bramantyo from Politeknik Negeri Semarang (POLINES). The program entitled "Mastering Decision Dynamics" will take place from 16 October to 3 November 2023, organized by the Directorate of Vocational Higher Education Institutions and Resources (KLSD PTV), Directorate General of Vocational Education, at Coventry University, England.
This program is part of the Non-Degree Lecturer Competency Improvement Program (NDKPD-Program) training scheme, which aims to improve the ability of vocational lecturers to build competitive advantages in a dynamic vocational higher education environment.
Training "Mastering Decision Dynamics in Engineering Business Management” not only received support from Muhamad Fajar Subkhan, Acting Director of KLSD PTV, but also involved Professor Benny Tjahjono, an expert in the field Sustainability and Supply Chain Management from Coventry University. Benny and his team who are members of Research Center for Business in Society, has prepared unique and innovative training materials.
During the program, lecturers study a variety of important topics, including decision-making frameworks, data analysis, financial management, simulation models, and risk evaluation and management. This program also provides participants with the opportunity to visit leading companies such as Morgan Motors and Google UK, and learn directly from industry practitioners, including the Malone Group, a leading company from the UK.
According to Benny, this program provides knowledge to help training participants improve their skills and abilities, especially in making decisions that are closely related to the world of work. A combination of lectures, group discussions, and case studies, as well as insights into current industry trends, helps in overcoming complexities in engineering and business management.
Responding to the potential for future collaboration with PTV, Benny said that Coventry University was also a polytechnic, and therefore really understands the need for polytechnics in Indonesia. Coventry has also signed an MoU with the Directorate General of Vocational Studies, thus opening up various opportunities for collaboration with polytechnics under the auspices of the Directorate General of Vocational Studies.
Hutama expressed his joy and appreciation for this rare opportunity. According to him, the experience of attending training at Coventry University opened wider horizons, not only in terms of training material but also in observing innovative educational practices.
One important aspect that received special attention from Hutama was the concept of "Teaching Factory" or "Learning Factory” which was implemented at Coventry University. This concept, which integrates the learning environment with real conditions in industry, provides inspiration and insight valuable for Hutama to implement it in Polines. This knowledge is considered very relevant to the vocational education approach that is currently developing in Indonesia.
Apart from that, Hutama also expressed his satisfaction in improving his communication skills while in an international environment. Interaction with lecturers from various polytechnics, countries and diverse backgrounds provides a golden opportunity to build a broad professional network. According to him, this is very important for career development and academic collaboration in the future.
The three-week experience in Coventry, England, also provided an opportunity for Hutama to experience and understand a different culture. Adapting to this new environment and culture not only enriches personal insight, but also provides valuable lessons about the importance of adaptation and flexibility in an ever-changing global world.
This overall experience, according to Hutama, not only strengthened his academic and professional abilities, but also provided a new perspective that will be invaluable in his role as an educator at Polines.