Whistleblowing Systems (WBS)

Whistleblower "A person who reports suspected acts of corruption that occurred within the organization where he works, or other related parties who have access to adequate information regarding the occurrence of alleged acts of corruption."

If you see or know of suspected behavior deviation/abuse of authority or other problems committed by employees at the Semarang State Polytechnic (POLINES), please report it to WBS POLINES.

If your report meets the WBS requirements/criteria, it will be processed further.

Your complaint will be easy to follow up if it meets the following criteria:


  • What : There are irregularities in reported cases/events that have occurred
  • where : Explain where,
  • when : When did the case take place
  • Who : Who is the official/employee who did or was involved
  • why : Why such storage occurs
  • How : How to do this action

Accompanied by initial evidence (data, documents, pictures and recordings) that support/explain the existence of allegations of deviation/abuse of authority or other problems. 


Whistleblower Confidentiality

Polines will keep the identity of the reporter confidential. Reports can be submitted under a pseudonym/alias.

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