Organizational structure
The Polines organizational structure is regulated in more detail through the Decree of the Director of the Politeknik Negeri Semarang Number 0502/PL4.7.1/SK/2023 concerning the Organizational Arrangement and Work Procedures of the Politeknik Negeri Semarang.

Dr. Eni Dwi Wardihani, ST, MT
Politeknik Negeri Semarang is oriented towards the development of reasoning and skills. Polines' big dream is to become a superior applied university. Polines integrates innovation, technology and business. We always make a real contribution in promoting public welfare, educating the nation's life, and having high competitiveness.

Dr. Samuel Beta Kuntarjo, Ing.Tech., MT

Dr. Karnowahadi, SE, MM

Aris Sunindyo, SE, MM

Dianita Ratna K., ST, MT

The Director is the organ that carries out the functions of determining non-academic policies and managing Polines.
The Senate is the organ that carries out the function of determining and considering the implementation of academic policies.
Supervisory Unit
The Supervisory Unit is an organ that carries out non-academic supervisory functions for and a Director.
Advisory Council
Is a Polines organ that carries out the function of giving consideration to non-academic fields to the Director
director | : | |
Deputy Director for Academic Affairs | : | |
Deputy Director for Planning, Finance and General Affairs | : | Dr. Karnowahadi, SE, MM |
Deputy Director for Student and Alumni Affairs | : | |
Deputy Director for Cooperation, Public Relations and Information Systems | : | |
Chairman of the Senate | : | Saniman Widodo, SE., MM |
Senate Secretary | : | Dr. Dra. Netty Nurdiyani, M. Hum |
Head of Internal Supervisory Unit | : | Rudi Handoyono, SE, M.Sc. |
Secretary of the Internal Control Unit | : | Siti Mutmainah, SE, M.Sc. |
Head of Civil Engineering Department | : | Dedi Budi Setiawan, ST, MT |
Secretary of Civil Engineering Department | : | Nur Setiaji, ST, MT |
Coordinator of D-III Building Construction Study Program | : | Vemi Widoanindyawati, ST, MT |
Coordinator of Civil Construction D-III Study Program | : | Jamal Mahbub, ST, MT |
Coordinator of Study Program S.Tr. Maintenance and Repair Engineering Building | : | Fikri Praharseno, ST, MT |
Coordinator of Study Program S.Tr. Road and Bridge Design | : | Leily Fatmawati, ST, MT |
Head of Mechanical Engineering Department | : | Abdul Syukur Alfauzi, ST, MT |
Secretary of the Department of Mechanical Engineering | : | Dr. Yusuf Dewantoro Herlambang, ST, MT |
Coordinator of D-III Mechanical Engineering Study Program | : | Eko Saputra, ST, MT |
Coordinator of D-III Energy Conversion Engineering Study Program | : | F. Gatot Sumarno, ST, MT |
Coordinator of the Study Program S.Tr. Mechanical Engineering Production and Maintenance | : | Dr. Ampala Khoryanton, ST, MT |
Coordinator of Study Program S.Tr. Energy Generation Engineering Technology | : | Ir. Mulyono, MT |
Head of Electrical Engineering Department | : | Yusnan Badruzzaman, ST, M.Eng. |
Secretary of the Department of Electrical Engineering | : | Prayitno, S.ST., MT, Ph.D. |
Coordinator of D-III Electrical Engineering Study Program | : | Adi Wasono, B.Eng., M.Eng. |
Coordinator of the D-III Electronics Engineering Study Program | : | Ilham Sayekti, ST, M. Kom. |
Coordinator of D-III Telecommunication Engineering Study Program | : | Abu Hasan, ST, MT |
Coordinator of D-III Informatics Engineering Study Program | : | Idhawati Hestiningsih, S. Kom., M. Kom. |
Coordinator of the S.Tr. Telecommunication Engineering Study Program | : | Ari Sriyanto Nugroho, ST, MT, M.Sc. |
Coordinator of the Study Program S.Tr. Electrical Installation Engineering Technology | : | Ir. Mochammad Muqorrobin, M.Eng. |
Coordinator of the Study Program S.Tr. Computer Engineering Technology | : | Kuwat Santoso, S.Kom., M.Kom. |
Coordinator of Study Program STr. Electronic Engineering Technology | : | Sri Kusumastuti, ST, M.Eng. |
Coordinator of M.Tr. Telecommunication Engineering Study Program | : | Dr. Amin Suharjono, ST, MT |
Head of Accounting Department | : | Siti Arbainah, SE, MM |
Secretary of Accounting Department | : | Dra. Mardinawati, MM |
Coordinator of D-III Accounting Study Program | : | Resi Yudhaningsih, SE, M.Sc. |
Coordinator of D-III Finance and Banking Study Program | : | Jati Handayani, SE, MSI |
Coordinator of the S.Tr. Computerized Accounting Study Program | : | Afiat Sadida, S. Kom., MM |
Coordinator of Islamic Banking Study Program S.Tr. | : | Dr. Siti Hasanah, S.Ag., M.Ag. |
Coordinator of Study Program S.Tr. Financial Analyst | : | Muhammad Rois, SE, M.Sc. |
Coordinator of Study Program S.Tr. Managerial Accounting | : | Mohamad Hasanuddin, SE, M.Sc., Akt. |
Head of Business Administration Department | : | Dr. Dody Setyadi, SE, M.Sc. |
Secretary of the Department of Business Administration | : | Rustono, SE, MM |
Coordinator of D-III Business Administration Study Program | : | Dr. Endang Sulistiyani, SE, MM |
Coordinator of D-III Marketing Management Study Program | : | Andi Setiawan, SE, MM |
Coordinator of Study Program S.Tr. International Business Management | : | Yusmar Ardhi Hidayat, SE, M.Sc. Ph.D. |
Coordinator of Applied Business Administration Study Program | : | Dr. Iwan Hermawan, S.Kom., MT |
Head of Academic, Student Affairs, and Cooperation | : | Suwarno, S. Sos., MIKom. |
Head of Academic Sub Division | : | Nugroho Joko Usito, S. Kom., M. Kom. |
Head of Planning, Finance and General Affairs | : | Supanto, SE, M.Sc. |
Head of General Sub Division | : | Eko Setyawan, S. Kom. |
Head of Center for Quality Assurance and Learning Development | : | Sindung Hadwi WS. BSEE, M.Eng. Sc |
Secretary of the Center for Quality Assurance and Learning Development | : | Dr. Dwiana Hendrawati, ST, MT |
Head of Center for Research and Community Service (P3M) | : | Dr. Kurnianingsih, ST, MT |
Secretary of the Center for Research and Community Service (P3M) | : | Sahid, ST, MT |
Head of UPA Languages | : | dr. Sri Wahyuningsih S., M.Pd. |
Secretary UPA Language | : | Dewi Anggraeni, S.Pd., M.Pd. |
Head UPA library | : | Muhammad Syam Suryanto, S.Sos. |
Secretary UPA library | : | Joko Mostofa, S. Hum. |
Head UPA Information and communication technology (UPA ICT) | : | Helmy, ST, M.Eng. |
Secretary UPA Information and communication technology (UPA ICT) | : | Atman Risnendi |
Head UPA Maintenance and Repair (UPA PP) | : | Adhy Purnomo, ST, MT |
Secretary UPA Maintenance and Repair (UPA PP) | : | Sadik Budi Santoso, ST |
Head of UPA Competency Test Services | : | Edy Wijayanto, SE, M.Sc. |
Head of UPA Technology Development and Superior Products | : | Ahmad Hamim Su'udy, S.Pd., MT |
UPA Secretary for Technology Development and Superior Products | : | Temper Resistance, ST, M.Kom. |
Head of UPA Career and Entrepreneurship | : | Syahid, ST, M.Eng |
UPA Career and Entrepreneurship Secretary | : | Bayu Setyo Nugroho, S.ST., MM |
Domestic Cooperation Coordinator | : | Aiun Hayatu Rabinah, ST, M.Eng. |
Coordinator of Foreign Cooperation | : | Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Mukhlisin, MT |