The Village Community Empowerment Program Team (P2MD) of Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) made an idea to create new innovations for herbal drinks made from flax leaves and ginger which are abundant natural resources in Simbang Village, Kalikajar District, Wonosobo Regency.
In that village, the utilization of flax leaves is still not optimal due to the lack of public knowledge about the benefits of flax leaves. Where in Simbang Village, Kalikajar District, Wonosobo Regency, hemp leaves are only used as animal feed.
It is known that flax leaf contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiobesity, anticolitis, and antidiabetic effects. In addition, hemp leaves are also rich in dietary fiber such as cellulose (68.6% – 76.2%), hemicellulose (13.1% – 16.7%), polyphenolic compounds, vitamin C, minerals, and phytochemicals including benzoic acid, caffeic acid, and ferulic acid.
With these various ingredients, flax leaves can be used to treat fever, hematemesis, extravasation, constipation, and diarrhea. With various properties contained in hemp leaves, it is very suitable to be developed for health needs such as herbal drinks, not only limited to processing stem fiber for home decor just.
With this new potential, it will certainly be able to maximize the potential of the hemp plant and can help develop the community's economy in Simbang Village.
The team consisted of Ahmad Sofyan Sauri (D3-Electrical Engineering), Nisa Sindiani (D4-International Business Management), Muhammad Fahri Dika Yuda (D3-Informatics Engineering), Samudera Rizqi Astraputra (D4-Road and Bridge Design), Eka Alrin (D4- Financial Analyst), Leo Candra Puspito (D4-Telecommunication Engineering), Dianita Vega Sekar Islami (D4-Telecommunication Engineering), Ma'isyah Mardhotillah (D4-Sharia Banking), Muqtasida Ghorizah Tadayyun (D4-Computerized Accounting), and Muhammad Yusuf Rodhi (D3-Energy Conversion) with the supervisor of Shahid, ST, M.Eng. sparked the innovation of hemp leaf and ginger herbal drink (RAJA) hoping that it could be realized by the people of Indonesia, especially the people of Simbang. In addition to increasing the economic value of flax leaves, this innovation can also be used as a promising business opportunity.