The community service team at the Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) consisting of Ragil Tri Indrawati ST MT (Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering Department, Team Leader) with 2 members Farika Tono Putri ST MT and Bayu Setyo Nugroho SST MM and assisted by 3 students as a form of implementation Merdeka Learn Campus Merdeka (MBKM) carries out community service in Wonosobo.
Assistance in the form of the application of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) including the application of appropriate technology (TTG), the creation of production rooms and the application of production equipment in accordance with food safety standards as well as the implementation of public awareness including the creation of online marketing media and the creation of branding products in the form of logos and packaging for businesses. IRT (Household Industry) Krecek Salome initiated by Mishanto in Ngadikerso Village, Wonosobo Regency.
“This IRT business produces Salome krecek or known as cassava rengginang as a typical food of Wonosobo Regency. This step is an effort to help increase the productivity of Salome's krecek business.
Ngadikerso Village is an area with a focus on developing the agricultural sector, especially agro-industry based on local potential. One of them is krecek salome crackers which are made from cassava,” said Ragil Tri Indrawati ST MT to the press at the Polines campus, Saturday (29/10/2022).
Unfortunately, said Ragil, Krecek Salome's business management is still done conventionally without the help of Appropriate Technology (TTG) or other technologies, both from the production and management aspects. This makes productivity, quality and quantity less than optimal. Polines service activities focus on assisting partners in overcoming problems in aspects of production, marketing management and quality & health management.
This community service is a Community Science and Technology Application (PIM) scheme funded by the Academic Directorate of Vocational Higher Education, Directorate General of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology for Fiscal Year 2022. This program aims to advance the production capacity of SMEs and Home Industries. Ladder in a number of areas from management in a conventional way to a more modern one using the help of technology.
The entire series of activities will be carried out from June to November 2022. This time span is expected to increase the competitiveness of SME and Home Industry products.
In the field of quality and health management, the service team has built a production room with an area of 18 m2 that can be used as a production site. In the field of production providing TTG and training on the use of dough molding machines with a capacity of 60 kg/hour.
Meanwhile, in the field of marketing management, product branding is developed in the form of logos and packaging that shows the characteristics of the Krecek Salome Business and online-based media as a means of product marketing. All of these PIM activities can have a positive impact on partners as an effort to optimize IRT business management. (Sgi)