SEMARANG – The Academic Support Unit (UPA) of the Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) Library received library pre-accreditation assistance from the Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).
The activity was opened by Dr. Karnowahadi, SE, MM (Acting Director of Polines) accompanied by Dr. Samuel Beta Kuntarjo, Ing.Tech., MT (Deputy Director for Academic Affairs at Polines) as well as the leadership and librarians of the UPA Library took place in the Director's Meeting Room, Polines Campus, Tembalang, Semarang, Tuesday (16/07/2024). This assistance was attended directly by Anang Ristanto, SE, MA (Acting Head of the Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Education and Culture).
In his speech, Dr. Karnowahadi, SE, MM (Plt. Director of Polines) said that to obtain accreditation a library will go through an assessment process starting from infrastructure to library services.
"I hope that with direct assistance from the Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Education and Culture, all Polines library librarians will get tips so that we can immediately get this accreditation, which of course means that in the future the Polines library can become the best reading source for students," he said.
Meanwhile, Anang Ristanto, SE, MA (Acting Head of the Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Education and Culture) expressed his gratitude for the welcome given by the Polines leadership. He said that the Ministry of Education and Culture continues to follow the trend of modernization, so it has a target that libraries must have an inclusive base.
"Indeed, the development in this modern era of inclusive libraries means that this library is not only a place to read but can be maximized by other activities such as a meeting place to exchange ideas, hopefully this mentoring discussion can speed up the accreditation of the Polines library," he concluded. (ang/jul)