Sirli Fahriah, Politeknik Negeri Semarang Lecturer, Participated in Training at Coventry University, England

Sirli Fahriah, one of the Politeknik Negeri Semarang (POLINES) lecturers, passed the selection and had the opportunity to take part in the Visionary Management Bootcamp for University Leaders training funded by LPDP through the vocational Institutional and Resources Directorate (KLSD) work program, from 27 November to 15 December 2023 at Coventry University, England. This training program is designed to equip vocational college (PTV) leaders with the methods, techniques and practical experience necessary to become leader and innovators who are able to inspire and motivate their teams to take their PTV towards world class university. This training focuses on developing the skills and competencies needed to predict change, identify emerging trends, and design their vision for the future.

Participant p.sThe training is provided with appropriate materials iinnovative way to prepare them become future leaders capable of carrying PTV become more advanced and independent. This training is provided in combination class teaching, group discussions, case studies, and learning directly from stakeholders and Senior Management Team in Coventry University. Training participants also have the opportunity to visit world-class companies including the Manufacturing Technology Center (MTC), Mini Cooper, Triumph, and the Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME). Sirli really felt the benefits of the leadership material obtained during the training. One of them he Very impressed during the visit to AME. In There the interaction between industry and academia in England is very close as shown between AME and Unipart. IThis is another lesson that can be taken from the training. Collaboration like this can be implemented at POLINES specificallysfor the Informatics Engineering Study Program. One of the collaborations that was implemented based on this visit was iIndustry can accept internship students or POLINES alumni and industry can find workers easily. "I am very impressed with the collaboration between AME and Unipart as clear evidence of collaboration between industry and academia whose benefits continue for the campus and industry itself," said Sirli (27/12).

This training program was designed by Prof Benny Tjahjono, Sustainability and Supply Chain Management expert in Center for Business in Society and also serves as Director of Research Engagement for Indonesia. According to Prof Benny, by leveraging its strong relationships with industry, Coventry designed this unique training program, which allows PTV leaders to join a bootcamp in the context of “learning in partnership with industry”. Leaders at Coventry University and industry players were also present as facilitators and resource persons to transfer knowledge to training participants. “The experience of interacting with world-class company and research center "Here it is hoped that they can improve their abilities as leaders in defining vision and strategic planning," said Benny.

Through this program, it is hoped that participants will also gain managerial skills that are useful for developing a future-oriented mindset, a culture of innovation and sustainable development, which ultimately helps encourage PTV that is globally competitive. Sirli along with 11 other training participantsnYes, I would like to express my appreciation to the KLSD Directorate for the opportunity to take part in this training. The participants hope that this kind of training program will continue to be a regular agenda for the KLSD Directorate considering the very positive benefits the participants get. Thanks are also expressed to Coventry University who have carried out training in such a detailed and comprehensive manner. The participants hope for a partnership between KLSD and Coventry University will continue in various future programs and activities," said Sirli, closing her story.

Visit to the Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME)
Visit to Mini Factory (Mini Cooper)
Photo of in-class training
Class photo with Professor Mike Hardy
Final Project Presentation Session
Submission of Training Certificate
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