In order to provide certificates of expertise and skills for workers in the construction service sector, the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) and the Construction Services Development Institute (LPJK)
Central Java Province agreed to cooperate in exploiting the potential in Polines as a Competency Test Place (TUK) for Construction Workers.
This was marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the two parties, namely, the Director of Polines, Ir. Supriyadi, MT and the Head of LPJK Central Java, Ir. HM. Satya Joewana, at Polines campus, Tembalang, Thursday (10/11).
Director of Polines, Ir. Supriyadi, MT in his speech said that Polines as a vocational college continues to try to do various things in the application of science and technology that is beneficial to society. "Applied learning patterns at Polines are very relevant to the demands of today's society," he said. So that collaboration with various parties continues to be carried out so that the presence of Polines can provide benefits to the community and industry.
Meanwhile, the Head of Central Java LPJK, Ir. HM. Satya Joewana, said that the construction services sector has a strategic role, is very dynamic, has unique characteristics and specifications, so it needs to be organized, regulated and empowered in a regulation. "That is Law No. 18 of 1999 concerning Construction Services," he explained. The collaboration with the Polines, he said, is one of the efforts in carrying out the mandate of the UUJK, that individuals/construction workers must have a certificate of expertise or a certificate of work skills. So that to encourage the availability of competent construction workers, it is necessary to conduct a briefing and competency test on the existing TUK. At the end of his speech, he appreciated Polines for this collaboration, so this is the first step for the smooth implementation of joint tasks for the realization of the development goals of the construction services sector in Central Java and national development.