Press Release from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology

Press conference
Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology

Number: 202/sipers/A6/V/2024

After UKT Increase Was Canceled, Minister of Education and Culture Asks PTN to Embrace Prospective New Students Who Are Affected

Jakarta, 27 May 2024 – Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek), Nadiem Anwar Makarim, this afternoon at the Merdeka Palace delivered the decision to cancel the single tuition fee (UKT) increase.

Tonight, the Minister of Education and Culture conveyed several important things as a follow-up. Apart from there being no increase in UKT this year, the Minister of Education and Culture asked universities to 'pick up the ball' from prospective new students.

"PTN needs to embrace prospective new students who have not re-registered or have withdrawn due to the high UKT. I hope that prospective new students will be informed about the latest policy for canceling UKT increases. "If you don't resign, you need to be reinstated," said Minister Nadiem.

Apart from that, the Minister of Education and Culture also said, "For students who have paid with an increased UKT, PTN needs to follow up so that the excess payment is returned or calculated in the next semester."

Previously at the State Palace, the Minister of Education and Culture said that he was proposing several approaches to overcome the difficulties faced by students, where the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Dirjen Diktiristek) would convey the technical details.

"The cancellation of the UKT increase, the IPI increase, and the technical details will be conveyed by the Director General of Diktistek in a Letter from the Director General. Prof. Haris (Director General of Higher Education and Technology) and his team have received the aspirations of various parties. "This Director General's letter will be issued immediately so that PTN leaders can implement policies smoothly," explained Minister Nadiem.

Bureau of Cooperation and Public Relations
General Secretariat
Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology

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