To avoid losses and long production, these MSMEs are assisted by accounting tools and training

The community service team from the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) provided counseling to J'Fans MSME actors in Kembang Hamlet, Sumogawe Village, Getasan, Semarang Regency.

It is known that J'Fans MSMEs have a number of products, such as banana bread, chocolate bread, steamed sponge cake, donuts, white bread, dry bread (pongge), various cakes and sponge cake.

Head of the service team, Septian Yudha Kusuma, SE, M.Si., Ak. said that the service to J'Fans MSMEs was carried out together with a number of other Polines lecturers from various scientific disciplines.

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The dedication of the Polines lecturer team is to answer the needs of J'Fans MSMEs which have various kinds of problems.
"The first problem faced was the long production process because the proofer (developer) was simple and made of wood," said Septian Yudha Kusuma on the sidelines of activities in Semarang, Monday 6 November 2023.

The next problem, he continued, was limitations in calculating the cost of production.
The selling price is determined based on estimates and reasonableness, so the owner sometimes has to bear additional costs that are not taken into account.

"Based on these concerns, we provide tools for production in the form of a sterile proofer complete with temperature control using gas fuel, as well as training in determining the cost of products," he added.

Jumi, as the owner of J'Fans UMKM, is grateful to receive assistance from the Polines lecturer service team.
He felt helped by the help of these tools to support facilities and infrastructure in the production process.

"We appreciate the assistance of this new tool because it can shorten production time," he said.
According to Jumi, calculating the correct cost price can help determine a better selling price, thereby avoiding business losses.

He and the Head of Kembang Hamlet, Sumogawe Village, Getasan, Semarang Regency. Supriyadi hopes that the Polines lecturer team can continue to assist MSMEs in their area to increase family income.***


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