The Semarang City National Zakat Amil Agency (Baznas) in collaboration with the Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) launched a program to utilize cow dung into biogas, in Purwosari Mijen Village, Semarang, Wednesday (18/10).
Chairman of the Semarang City Baznas, Arnaz Agung Andrarasmara, said that the program aims to empower the mustahik economy and support food security through cattle fattening.
So far, according to him, cattle fatteners are only used for their meat when Eid al-Adha arrives. Meanwhile, cow dung has not been used.
"From there we initiated the use of cow dung to be processed into biogas so that it has beneficial value," he said.
Arnaz said that the distribution of aid should not only be consumptive in nature, but should be increased towards productive aid.
"We appreciate the Polines community service team, that we will use this collaboration as a pilot project and biogas program innovation," he said.
He hopes that using cow dung into biogas will have more beneficial value. Among these benefits are for cooking and electrical energy for street lighting.
"In other words, we don't always just give fish, but we give hooks to make the mustahik productive so that they are empowered and can turn them into muzakki," he explained.
Arnaz explained that in distributing aid, Baznas is guided by safe syar'i, safe regulations and safe NKRI.
Therefore, before being distributed, every application from the public is first assessed by the team regarding eligibility standards.
"Whether or not it is appropriate to receive assistance in accordance with the rules and regulations according to Sharia, it is given to the eight asnaf recipients. Safe according to regulations in accordance with statutory provisions. "Meanwhile, the security of the Republic of Indonesia is not given to terrorists or state rebels," he explained.
Arnaz emphasized that Semarang City Baznas is a non-structural state institution formed by the government.
His job is to collect, distribute, utilize and report zakat, infaq, alms and other religious social funds (DSKL).
“Thank God, we are audited every year. "This will foster public confidence that Semarang City Baznas is the right place to pay zakat, infaq, alms and DSKL," he said.
Meanwhile, the Chair of the Polines Community Service Team, Nanang Apriandi, expressed his appreciation and thanks to the Semarang City Baznas.
“Thank you to the Semarang City Baznas, who joins us in empowering the community together. "This includes the campus Tri Darma program, namely community service to process cow dung into biogas," he said.
Nanang said, in the future the biogas program could target Islamic boarding schools which can use human waste to be used as gas energy and street lighting.
“We will deploy students to provide assistance through the Independent Learning Program. "Hopefully the collaboration with Baznas Semarang City can be improved through a program to utilize solar power plants," he said.
At the launch of the biogas program, he was accompanied by the Deputy Chairperson of Labib, Chief Executive Muhammad Asyhar, Head of the Ripai Utilization Division.
Polines representative Nanang Apriandi as head of the community service team at the Baznas assisted farm in the Purwosari Village area, Mijen District (18/10).