Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) supports the launch of the Partnership Ecosystem Strengthening Program for Developing Innovation Based on Regional Potential in Central Java Province.
Karnowahadi, Deputy Director for Planning, General Affairs and Finance at the Semarang State Polytechnic, said that Polines is one of the consortiums implementing the program. The six Vocational Schools implementing the program in Central Java are Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines), Indonesian State Maritime Polytechnic, Diponegoro University Vocational School, Sebelas Maret State University Vocational School Surakarta, Cilacap State Polytechnic, and ATMI Polytechnic.
"Thank you and high appreciation to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) which aims to form a partnership ecosystem in strengthening innovation based on regional potential, with synergy between regional governments, in this case Central Java, and vocational schools. "This is a form of synergy between vocational education units and regional stakeholders, so that it is hoped that it will produce innovations that are useful for developing regional potential in Central Java," he explained, on the sidelines of the signing and launch of the Partnership Ecosystem Strengthening Program for Development of Innovation Based on Regional Potential in Central Java Province,
Friday (6/10/2023), at the Grand Candi Hotel Semarang.
Wisnu Sardjono Soenarso, Director of Research Facilities at the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP) said that the government in this program supports vocational schools to fund research or studies that have regional benefits. "So, in Central Java there are six vocational higher education institutions, which are involved in research and human resources to collaborate to form a system that is built for the benefit of Central Java and the city/district and the Business and Industrial World (DUDI)," he explained.
Meanwhile, Uuf Brajawidagda, Plt. The Director of Partnership and Alignment at DUDI, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, said that higher education innovation can be sustainable and can be used as a take and give model for developing local potential. The first step that will be taken in this collaboration is to photograph what Central Java will look like in the future. Because this is the first time, mapping will be carried out in the first year, so that research and innovation from the consortium implementing the program will be right on target.
"Many regional potentials are starting to disappear because they are inferior to technology and low market demand, so they must be revived based on existing potential. "One of them is the role of the consortium implementing this program, so that it can benefit the community as well," he explained.
Also present on this occasion were the Chair of the Consortium Working Team for the Implementation of the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Strengthening Program for Higher Education Vocational Education Organizers (PTPPV) of Central Java Province, Kurnianingsih, Administrative Assistant for the Central Java Provincial Government, Muhammad Arief Sambodo, Harry Nuryanto Soediro, who is the General Chair of the Central Java Province Chamber of Commerce and Industry. , Eni Dwi Wardihani from the Central Java Province PTPPV Consortium Team Representative. she