The Polines Community Service Team Builds a tough village

Suasa FGD PIPK 2022

Semarang – Collaborating with Regional Development Planning Agency of Semarang City, Community Service Team of Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) 2002 Scheme of Application of Science and Technology Regional Development (PIPK) chaired by Prof. Dr. Totok Prasetyo B. Eng. (Hons), MT, IPU, ASEAN.Eng, ACPE trying to apply science and technology to help realize the Kampung Tangguh Program launched by the Semarang City government in the Mangunharjo sub-district, Tugu District, Semarang City.

The team consists of Sahid, ST, MT, Dr. Ir. Kurnianingsih ST, MT, Dr. Dwiana Hendrawati, ST, MT and Dr. Wyati Saddewisasi, SE, M.Sc. as well as the executive assistant Muttadik Fathul Lathief, S.Kom., M.Eng. This program cooperates with the implementing partners of the Semarang City Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) and partner users of 3 MSMEs in the Mangunharjo sub-district (UMKM Bandeng "Isma MW", UMKM Salted Egg "Dewi BW", and UMKM Batik Mangrove), the potential that Mangunharjo has with production presto milkfish, salted eggs, and mangrove batik.

Team Leader Prof. Totok Prasetyo told the press on Saturday (19/11) stated that during the field survey a number of problems were encountered for the realization of Kampung Tangguh Mangunharjo. These include the large amount of vacant land belonging to the Semarang City Government that has not been utilized, the absence of waste management resulting in slum settlements, the declining economic level of the community whose ponds cannot be used anymore due to tidal floods, as well as problems with SMEs related to management, production processes and market development. still simple and conventional.

The PIPK program is planned to run for 3 years. Year I focuses on solutions on “Development of Eco-Friendly Tourism (Green Economy) Edu-Green Based on IoT and Artificial Intelligence”, Year II “Community Empowerment through Environmentally Friendly Waste Management (Green Environment Recycling)” and Year III solutions focus on “Increasing Productivity UKM/UKMK through Economic Digitalization”.

The solution to problems related to vacant land is the development of "Edu-Green Tourism" by revitalizing PLTB (Wind Power Plant) and building PLTS (Solar Power Plant) as well as an environmentally friendly energy source to support the "Green Economy". Empowering the community to manage 'Edu-Green Tourism' is also a solution to problems related to declining economic levels because the community has lost their livelihoods in ponds due to tidal floods.

The management of waste into fertilizer is a solution to overcome the problem of the absence of waste management, giving rise to slums. Garbage waste is processed into fertilizer is the application of environmentally friendly technology (Green Economy). Solutions to problems related to management, production processes, and SME market development which are still simple and conventional are carried out by empowering SMEs in Mangunharjo through three stages (Strengthening Management, Strengthening Production Processes, and Market Development) where each year has a different focus.

In 2022, according to Prof. Totok, is the first year of this dedication and a series of activities have been carried out. Namely field surveys and potential measurements on 27 June and 11 July 2022, the FGD on the Preparation for the Implementation of the PIPK Program which was held offline and online on 18 August 2022 attended by a team of researchers, partners and students. Also invited guest speaker Shoimatul Fitria SE MM who delivered material on the economic resilience of MSME-based countries.

What has also been carried out by the service team in the first year, namely

working on the production stage of the equipment used includes wind turbines and solar panels for the construction of Wind Power Plants (PLTB) and Solar Power Plants (PLTS). The two power plants are supported by IoT and artificial intelligence devices to assist in monitoring and making recommendations for power management.

In this development, there were several students involved in implementing the MBKM curriculum. They are from the Bachelor of Applied Study Program (S.Tr) Energy Generation Engineering Technology and D-III Energy Conversion Engineering (supervised by Prof. Dr. Totok Prasetyo, Sahid ST MT and Dr. Dwiana Hendrawati ST MT). Also students of the S.Tr Study Program. Computer Engineering Technology (supervised by Dr. Ir Kurnianingsih and Muttadik Fathul Lathief SKom MEng).

The entire infrastructure is installed in the Manghunharjo Village Edu-Tourism park. In the construction of the Kampung Tangguh Mangunharjo Edutourism Park, Semarang City Bappeda contributed in an "in-kind" form in the form of a Mangunharjo village resilience master plan document and revitalization of the Wind Power Plant (PLTB) area which previously existed but was in an unmaintained condition.

The PIPK 2022 Service Team also provided assistance in managing PLTS and PLTB infrastructure that had been built through the FGD "Education Green Tourism Management Assistance for MSMEs in the Mangunharjo sub-district, Semarang" Saturday 19 November 2022 at the Mangunharjo Sub-District Office.

The FGD was attended by members of the PIPK 2022 team, Mangunharjo Village officials, PIPK 2022 partners, MSME representatives, and the community. On this occasion, Prof. Totok Prasetyo as the Director of the Polines and the Head of the Community Service Team gave remarks and had direct dialogue with the residents of Mangunharjo. Prof. Dr. Totok Prasetyo expressed his hope that the Mangunharjo Village would be able to become a Tangguh Village that is independent in the 3E aspect (Energy, Economy, and Environment).

In this FGD Dr. Ir Kurnianingsih ST MT socialized web and android-based applications that function to control IoT devices, as well as monitoring and recommending power management produced by PLTS and PLTB using artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence / AI). Sahid ST MT from Polines and Vicgieh from PT Sogy Energy Indonesia provided materials on PLTB and PLTS as well as management guidelines.

The team hopes that when the PLTS and PLTB infrastructures have been completed and can operate, the two infrastructures are maintained so that they can continue to provide benefits to the people of Mangunharjo Village. Dr. Wyati Saddewisasi SE MSi also provided material on financial management and marketing so that later MSMEs in the Mangunharjo Village could increase their sales turnover and develop their businesses.

As an explanation for the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) team, the team involved several students in the community service program. Namely Ahmad Kholik Sulistyo, Wisnu Laksono, Adrian Setyo Wibowo, Muhammad Thohirul Fuadi, and Azmi Aulia Rachim (Undergraduate Study Program in Applied Energy Generation Engineering Technology and D-III Energy Conversion Engineering) and Rizky Wahyu Dewantoro and Fido Jahfal Prayoga (Undergraduate Program in Applied Energy Engineering) Computer Engineering Technology). (Sgi)


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