Polines with LSP Talent Holds MSME Facilitator Competency Certification

Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) held a briefing and competency certification for MSME mentors for vocational lecturers from all over Indonesia starting from October 24-29, 2022.

The activity which was carried out in collaboration with the Professional Certification Institute (LSP) for Talent Entrepreneurs Nusantara Yogyakarta, was attended by 43 lecturers, located at the Undip Inn Hotel Semarang.

Deputy Director (Wadir) for Planning and Cooperation of Polines Eni Dwi Wardihani said that holding this activity was a matter of pride because it would prove that later lecturers would be declared competent in mentoring MSMEs.

“It is an honor to be able to become a companion for SMEs. Because MSMEs are the driving force of the nation's economy. So that the benefits will be felt for all people," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Organizer who is also the Head of LSP Polines, Edi Wijayanto explained, that this activity was to increase the ability of vocational lecturers, especially in the MSME mentoring scheme.

“There are three tasks for a lecturer, namely teaching, research, and community service. Thus, in terms of community service, this can help or assist MSMEs so that MSME actors as the pillars of the economy can be more successful and state income can be increased," he explained.

If MSMEs are accompanied by competent vocational lecturers, said Edi, MSMEs will automatically be more advanced.

“It is hoped that with this kind of competence, the lecturers' ability will increase even more. While this activity is funded by the Director General of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology and also taken from LPDP funds, "he said.

In the same place, Director of LSP Talenta Warsis Mawardi emphasized that during the six days of activities, facilitators who were competent in their fields had been prepared.

So that later these MSME companions can improve the ability of MSME business actors to develop businesses through the transformation of knowledge and skills supported by a professional work attitude.

"This competency is of course very important and must be followed properly because it is to improve the quality of MSME mentors, improve business quality, and increase the competitiveness of MSME actors who will be accompanied by competent vocational lecturers," he concluded. (Nizar-01)

Source jatengnews.id

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