Capital Market School (SPM) Akbar Capital Market Community Semarang State Polytechnic 2021

Pemaparan Materi Analisis Fundamental Saham Oleh Yusuf Wijayanto

Capital Market Community (CMC) Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) is an Organization or Capital Market Study Group under the auspices of the Accounting Department Student Association (HiMA) Semarang State Polytechnic which aims to educate the Capital Market for internal, namely Semarang State Polytechnic students and for external, namely people outside Semarang State Polytechnic campus.

CMC Polines has several divisions, one of which is Investment Education (IE) whose job is to educate the Capital Market for CMC external parties. The IE Division held a Capital Market School (SPM) Akbar as a form of carrying out its duties. Capital Market School (SPM) Akbar CMC Polines is an activity that aims to facilitate and educate potential investors about the world of capital markets as well as facilitating new customers to open accounts or open accounts. CMC Polines held a Capital Market School (SPM) Grand CMC Polines activities on a regular basis  on line. SPM Akbar will be held on Saturday, December 04, 2021 at 08.00 – 12.00 WIB individually on line by using media Zoom Meetings and was attended by 60 participants, who came from internal and external Polines.

Pembukaan Acara Oleh MC
Capital Market School (SPM) Akbar Capital Market Community Semarang State Polytechnic 2021


The SPM Grand CMC Polines activity began with an opening by Febri Suryo Laksono as MC and continued with remarks. Enter the main event, namely the presentation of the material and a question and answer session by Akhmad Nuryanto from Trainer of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia KP Central Java I discussed SPM level one, followed by material presentation and questions and answers by Yusuf Wijayanto from Phintraco Securitas who discussed the basics of fundamental analysis, and finally, material presentation and Q&A by Teddy Suharyadi from Investors. Shares of Permata (ISP) Semarang which discusses technical analysis. The last event is documentation and closing.

Pemaparan Materi Analisis Fundamental Saham Oleh Yusuf Wijayanto
Capital Market School (SPM) Akbar Capital Market Community Semarang State Polytechnic 2021

SPM Impact

By holding the Capital Markets School (SPM) Akbar CMC Polines, it is hoped that later participants as investors will understand the world of capital markets, understand how to transact, and can apply the knowledge gained during this webinar in their daily lives and be able to educate others with relevant knowledge. obtained during the activity.

Peserta SPM Akbar CMC Polines 2021
Capital Market School (SPM) Akbar Capital Market Community Semarang State Polytechnic 2021
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