Semarang, December 4, 2021 – UKM Kopma Bahtera Manunggal Semarang State Polytechnic for the period 2021/2022 carries out one of the work programs of the PSDA Department, namely Secondary Education (DIKMEN).
Secondary Education (DIKMEN) is a series of regeneration processes which is a continuation of BCAMT. This DIKMEN is mandatory for candidates for Kopma BM management because it is a requirement to become Kopma BM management for the next period. The purpose of this DIKMEN is to equip prospective administrators with knowledge about cooperative management, public speaking and the nature of motivation, as well as in-depth trial management. In addition, DIKMEN also aims to strengthen ties of friendship, a sense of togetherness, as well as a familial attitude between the administrators and candidates for the Kopma BM management.
Secondary Education (DIKMEN) is filled with 3 material sessions. The first material is Cooperative Management which was presented by Ir. Wahyu Istiyanti from Balatkop UKM Prov. Central Java. Followed by the second material, namely: Study Governance by Anisa Rudi from BPM Polines and Session Training by Novendra Aditya from BPM Polines. The last material is Public Speaking by Arliza Aprilia N a Public Speaker and founder @goproselling. Each material session is given time for a question and answer session for prospective administrators who want to ask questions about the material presented.
Secondary Education (DIKMEN) is carried out online through the application Zoom Meeting which starts at 07.00 until 14.20 WIB. This event was attended by 94 candidates for Kopma BM management for the 2022/2023 period. This year DIKMEN took the theme "Optimizing Cadre Skills and Knowledge to Realize the Formation of an Intellectual Spirit and Responsibility". This DIKMEN is interspersed with Ice Breaking in the form of playing a singing video from one of the Kopma BM management. The event ended with a group photo session.
Dikmen-Kopma . Narrative Dikmen-Kopma . Narrative Dikmen-Kopma . Narrative Dikmen-Kopma . Narrative Dikmen-Kopma . Narrative