Polines Team Wins 1st Place in IoT Competition

The Covid-19 pandemic condition did not dampen the enthusiasm of Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) students to excel. This is evidenced by the Polines Telkom Jaya team consisting of Fitri Yuni Astuti, Yulia Setiani, and Yusitania Prameswari, students majoring in Electrical Engineering Polines who won 1st place in the IoT E-Time 2021 category organized by the Jakarta State Polytechnic Electrical Student Association, online on 6 July 2021 - July 9, 2021.

E-Time (Electro Activities Program) is an annual event in the field of electrical engineering at the national level. This year, with the theme “Revolution of Technology”, participants from various universities and polytechnics throughout Indonesia participated. This activity has three competition categories, namely Internet Of Things, Mini Industrial Robot and Programmable Logic Controller.

The Polines team with supervisors Sarono Widodo and Arif Nursyahid, won the Internet Of Things (IoT) category, presenting a work entitled "Water Monitoring and Control Systems in IoT-Based Smart Building Systems".

According to Yulia Setiani as the team coordinator, water installations in buildings are generally only regulated using manual faucets. The water installation system is not equipped with monitoring and controlling water use in every room or building. The design in this research, he said, is a solution to make water installations in buildings easy to monitor and control in the event of leakage of installation pipes or improper use of water.

An IoT-based monitoring and control system, explained Yulia, so that it is easy to get real-time water usage data and can be controlled via the web. This system uses a flowmeter sensor to read the flow of water and a solenoid valve to open and close the flow of water flowing in the water pipe. sensor data that is read is sent to the microcontroller for processing and then sent to the internet through the LoRa gateway.
The data stored in the database can be accessed as well as monitored via the web. This system is equipped with a message as a notification of leakage or unnatural water usage sent via telegram, he concluded.

The results of the E-Time 2021 competition for the Internet of Things category are as follows, 1st Place (TELKOM JAYA Polytechnic Semarang State Polytechnic), 2nd Place (Electrozen State University of Yogyakarta), 3rd Place (WP_MATOH Malang State Polytechnic), Favorite Winner (Neg Wani Ojo Wedi Wedi Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic).

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