Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) was also present and participated in the 2019 Kendal Campus Fair (KCF) which was held at Sasana Bahurekso Kendal, Saturday-Sunday (16-17/2). The event was held to introduce the world of higher education to high school/vocational or equivalent students in the Kendal area and its surroundings.
In view of this in the context of publishing new student admissions, Polines has provided various information for visitors. In the Polines stand, visitors can ask about the selection of new student admissions, study programs, tuition fees, and scholarships available at Polines.
The Head of the Kendal Regency Education and Culture Office, Drs. Agus Rivai, M.Pd, officially opened the annual event held by the Yogyakarta Kendal Student Association (IMKEY). After opening the event marked by hitting the gong three times, he had the opportunity to directly observe the stands of public and private universities that participated in this event. About 32 booths were reviewed one by one. Not to be missed either, the Polines booth.
In addition, Deputy Director for Planning and Cooperation of Polines, Drs. Budi Prasetya, M.Si, had the opportunity to attend to review the Polines booth and was greeted directly by the Head of the Polines Industrial Relations Unit, Ir. Wahjoedi, MT was accompanied by the Secretary of the Polines Industrial Relations Unit, Sarono Widodo, ST, MKom and the exhibition team.