Ir. Tedjo Mulyono, MT, a lecturer in the Civil Engineering Department of the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) has passed as
Doctorate with the title Very Satisfactory with a GPA of 3.79 after the promotion exam (open) for the Doctoral Program in Civil Engineering (PDTS), Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University (Undip), Monday (7/8) in the main courtroom, Postgraduate School Building, Undip, Semarang .
The open examination was led by Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, MM, M.Sc, PhD (Dean of the Undip Faculty of Engineering as well as an examiner). As the Promoter Prof. Ir. Djoko Legono, PhD, Dr. Ir. Suharyanto, M.Sc (Co-promoter). While the examiner, Prof. Dr. Ir. Suripin, M.Eng, Dr. Ir. Robert J. Kodoatie, M.Eng, Dr. Ir. Suseno Darsono, M.Sc, Dr. Ir. Pranoto Samto Atmojo, Dipl. HE, MT. Promovendus delivered a dissertation with the title "Tank Model for Predicting Sediment Discharge in Watersheds".
In his dissertation, Ir. Tedjo Mulyono, MT said that uncontrolled erosion and sedimentation will cause considerable losses, both in the form of decreased soil productivity and damage to water structures and sedimentation of reservoirs. The process of land surface erosion and sediment discharge in the watershed (DAS) which is influenced by rain and runoff can be represented in the type of reservoir. In this study, Tedjo Mulyono developed a tank model to predict sediment discharge in the watershed.
The results of the analysis show that 4 tank models can be developed to predict sediment discharge in the watershed. The configuration of a good tank model for predicting sediment discharge in the watershed is a tank model 4, the model is composed of 1 (one) tank consisting of 2 (two) side holes and 1 (one) bottom hole. Which is applied in the Kreo Sub-watershed, the Lesti River Sub-watershed of East Java, and the Hirudani Sub-watershed of Japan. And the results of this analysis there is still a range of differences in the value of the simulated and measured sediment discharge which varies in magnitude. It is possible that the cause is the factor of the pattern of rain distribution in the hydrological process, the synchronization of the measurement process and the length of the data as well as the possible assumptions of model parameters.
Grandson of Kharisma Agil Munawar (Second from left), 2nd Winner of News Casting at NPEO 2017 in Banjarmasin