Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) received a grant from the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs,
Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) in the form of grants for higher education programs and study programs in 2017. Polines received a mandate from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education to help improve the quality and quality of universities in Indonesia. Together with 26 other universities in Indonesia, Polines was appointed to foster study programs that are still accredited C.
The foster universities selected by Polines are the Kupang State Polytechnic, Banjarmasin State Polytechnic, Harapan Bersama Tegal Polytechnic, and Tegal Muhammadiyah Polytechnic. The Director of Polines said that the selection of the PT had gone through an assessment that the university had the potential to be able to improve its quality after going through the nurturing process. "Polines' experience can be a benchmark to be implemented at PT asuh," said Supriyadi, on the sidelines of a workshop on PT asuh activities at the Kupang State Polytechnic campus recently. However, it is possible that Polines also learns from the experience of PT asuh in managing PT. So, he continued, the PT Foster program became a medium for mutual learning, sharing and synergy to strengthen each other's potential.
The purpose of PT asuh's activities, he explained, is to first increase understanding of the implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) in foster polytechnics. Second, guide the technical preparation of the required quality documents in accordance with the National Higher Education Standards (minimum standards) and the Higher Education Development Standards set by each polytechnic (development standards) towards the accreditation of superior study programs and institutions.
PT asuh program activities are carried out in the form of workshops, internships and monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the quality assurance system at the foster polytechnic, he concluded.