Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) through the Sexual Violence Prevention & Handling Task Force (Satgas PPKS) held a PPKS seminar on the 2nd floor of GKT Polines, Tuesday, October 15, 2024. The seminar was held to strengthen the academic community's insight regarding sexual violence, especially that which occurs on campus.
Head of the Polines PPKS Task Force, Rara Ririn Budi Utaminingtyas said that in Polines itself, the PPKS Task Force has only been on duty for two years. However, the insight of the academic community in Polines regarding PPKS itself still needs to be improved.
"Sometimes as the chairman, I am asked what (the PPKS Task Force) is? If not many people know about its duties, let alone its programs," said the lecturer who is often called Ririn.
In fact, according to him, the PPKS Task Force has tried to conduct socialization both physically and through existing activities. He explained that when departments or student organizations at Polines held events, he was happy to be a resource person related to PPKS.
"Through X banners and also MMT, we have installed them in many corners of our campus," he said.
Ririn said, knowledge related to PPKS needs to be understood by the entire academic community, especially in Polines. According to her, lately cases of sexual violence have increased, especially in universities.
"Based on a survey by the National Commission on Violence Against Women, 881 TP3T cases of violence were in the form of sexual violence and 271 TP3T occurred in universities," he said.
Therefore, the PPKS Task Force also according to him has begun to socialize regarding sexual violence since new students entered Polines. Thus, it is hoped that a safe campus environment free from sexual violence can be realized.
Ririn hopes that with the seminar held, knowledge and insight related to PPKS can be strengthened and applied by the Polines academic community in the future. She also appealed to anyone who witnesses or is a victim of sexual violence not to hesitate or be afraid to report the incident.
"Please report it to us via available channels such as hotline, Instagram, or email. satgas.ppks@polines.ac.id," he said.
Meanwhile, Deputy Director of Academic Affairs Samuel Beta Kuntardjo also reminded that as time goes by, the development of technology becomes a double-edged sword. In addition to being useful, if used negatively, technology can become a weapon.
"This is also related to cases of sexual violence that can be done not directly, but through social media. An example is bullying," he added.
Therefore, Beta expressed that good academic community insight into the prevention and handling of sexual violence is very important to be known by all elements on campus. Thus, Polines can be safe and comfortable for anyone in it.
In the seminar attended by students, education staff, and lecturers, three speakers were presented, namely Yayi Suryo Prabandari who serves as the Head of the PPKS Task Force at UGM, Ayu Hermawati; Director of LBH APIK, and Abimanyu; UNIKA Psychologist. This activity carries the theme "Realizing Campus Polines Free from Sexual Violence". (Dev/Jul)