SEMARANG – Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) participated in the Central Java Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Friendly Competition and Match held by the Central Java Province Education Quality Assurance Center (BBPMP) on August 13-14, 2024.
The activity held at the BBPMP Central Java Province Yard was attended by Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines), the Center for Leading Teachers (BBGP) of Central Java Province, LLDIKTI Region 6, the Central Java Provincial Language Center, the Indonesian State Maritime Polytechnic (Polimarin), the Borobudur Museum and Cultural Heritage (MCB), the Center for Education Quality Assurance (BPMP) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta and Tidar University Magelang.
Noor Kuntono, SH as the head of the Polines team said that the activity held was very good because it could build synergy and collaboration between the UPT of the Ministry of Education, Research and Technology in Central Java.
"We are grateful for the invitation to enliven this activity, I hope that through sports competitions in the future the communication and connectivity that has been established will be even better," he said.
Meanwhile, Heri Martono, SS., M.Pd, Head of the Publication and Communication Work Team of the Central Java Province BBPMP who is also the chairman of the committee, said that the competition which was attended by 9 UPTs of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology was held for two days from August 13 to August 14, 2024.
"The branches that are competed or competed are futsal, tennis, table tennis, badminton, chess, ping pong, tumpeng, and karaoke competition. I hope everything goes well, full of sportsmanship and fun," he said. (ang/jul)