Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) team consisting of lecturers and students carried out community service activities at Andrea Farm, Jetis Hamlet, Wonokerto Village, Bancak District, Semarang Regency, Central Java, Wednesday (16/09/2023). Andrea Farm is a cricket cultivation production partner of PT. TOURISM DUTANEGERI BERDIKARI. Activities in the form of implementing a Cricket Cultivation Media Control and Monitoring system to increase Cricket Cultivation Productivity. The event was attended by partners or cricket breeders, local residents, Polines students and Polines lecturers.
Chair of the Polines Service Team, Sri Kusumastuti, ST, M.Eng., said "The Era of Digitalization provides a great opportunity to increase productivity and efficiency in various sectors, especially in the livestock sector. "By implementing digital technology in cricket farms, cricket farmers can monitor and manage their cultivation conditions more effectively, optimize the right cultivation media conditions, and prevent problems more quickly." he explained.
In an era of increasingly sophisticated agriculture, the Internet of Things (IoT) has proven itself as a key element in productive cricket cultivation. Through a network of sensors and connected devices, cricket farmers can now monitor and control various aspects of the cultivation environment in real-time, including temperature , humidity, and air quality.Data collected from these sensors enables in-depth analysis and intelligent decision making, maximizing productivity and maintaining the quality of the crickets produced. Thus, IoT brings a revolution in cricket cultivation, resulting in higher yields and increasing efficiency, which is the key to success in this growing industry.
This service activity begins with a presentation regarding the development of Internet of Things Technology in the current Digital Era. This was then followed by the implementation of the Cricket Cultivation Monitoring System Tool on the Cricket Cultivation Media Shelf at Andrea Farm. From the results of observations, the designed system can monitor temperature, humidity and control the condition of the Cricket Cultivation Media Shelf and can be monitored via Smart Phone (Smartphones).
At the end of this service activity, the assistance of the Cricket Cultivation Media Control and Monitoring System Tool from the Polines Service Team was handed over to Andrea Farm Partners. The handover of aid was carried out by Sri Kusumastuti, ST, M.Eng., as head of the Service Team and received by Imam Turmudzi as the owner of the farm. The aim of providing this assistance is to support the Semarang State Polytechnic program in the downstreaming of research products implemented in the Community Service scheme. So that in the future cricket cultivation farms can be helped by the implementation of this technology.
In this service activity the Polines team consisted of Sri Kusumastuti, ST, M.Eng as team leader, with members M Cahyo Ardi Prabowo, ST, M.Tr.T., Roni Apriantoro, S.Tr., M.Tr.T and Supriyati, ST, M.Kom. Meanwhile, the students who took part in this activity were students majoring in electrical engineering, namely Safira Rizki Ahsania, Fawzi Ario Busono, Arief Rahman Hakim, Varian Mohamad Cerdika.