Polines Students Created an Arduino-based Water Sedimentation System to Help Catfish Farmers

SEMARANG- The student creativity program team in the field of application of science and technology (PKM-PI) Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) succeeded in creating the application of water settling technology in a 500 liter tank based on Arduino Uno to help catfish farmers located on Jalan Abu Mi'raj III E, Kel. Penggaron Kidul, District. Pedurungan, Semarang City.

The team was chaired by Augurius Caesar M (Civil Engineering) with members Daffa Fajar S (Electrical Engineering), Ilzam Adi Saputra (Mechanical Engineering), Tjau Patricia Chia (Accounting) and Fitriana Zulfa (Electrical Engineering) with supervisor Bambang Supriyo, BSEE, MEngSc, Ph.D. The background for implementing this program is the problem experienced by Mr. Saefudin as a catfish farmer who focuses on catfish hatcheries, namely that the maximum number of catfish seeds that can be harvested is only 70%. This is because the feed used previously was pellets and is being changed to using tiren chicken. The change was made because of the high price of pellets which could be detrimental, so this was overcome by providing alternative feed such as maggot, tiren chicken and bran. Changing feed causes the pond water to become cloudy, which is bad for the growth of catfish seeds.

"The way the system we created works is first the water is pumped using a water jet pump which will then flow to the water reservoir automatically based on the water level. Second, the water that has been channeled to the water reservoir will be deposited for a minimum of 2 hours. Third, initialize the system for the temperature value. acidity level, and turbidity level which will be displayed on the display screen and indicator lights. Fourth, once the water value in the reservoir is appropriate, the water will be flowed periodically based on the automation system designed into the catfish breeding pond. Fifth, the pool water will automatically be wasted as well as organic waste and inorganic minerals." said Rio as the team leader.

"Currently the process of making the system has been completed 100% and is ready for use. Then the next stage, our team will hand over the equipment to partners. "We hope that the system we created will help partners in increasing catfish breeding up to 100% and produce quality seeds," added Rio.

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