Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) was elected as one of the Vocational Colleges (PTV) with 19 Vocational College (PTV) become the supervisor of the Partnership Ecosystem Strengthening Program for the Development of Regional Potential-Based Innovations. Polines became PTV Pemmpu for the Central Java Province area.
This program is an initiative carried out by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) through the Directorate General of Vocational Education with funding from the Education Fund Management Agency (LPDP).
The partnership ecosystem strengthening program itself is grand design innovation development in regions/regions within a period of 3 (three) years refers to the potential and advantages, as well as regional development priority agendas.
In the first year the program will earn policy briefs, which contain workforce planning and innovation planning. While in the second and third years the program's output focus is to implement the innovation planning that was made in the previous year through a network of partnerships to generate innovation.
"The steps we are taking today are the beginning of an effort to strengthen an innovative partnership ecosystem, by exploring regional potential. This is our serious step in advancing the vocational field," said the Director General of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, Kiki Yuliati at the National Kick Off event for the Partnership Ecosystem Strengthening Program for Regional Potential-Based Innovation Development, Tuesday (22/08/2023) at the Millennium Hotel Auditorium, Jakarta.
On this occasion, Uuf Brajawidagda as Plt. The Director General for Partnerships and Alignment of the Business and Industry World, Director General of Higher Education said that currently there are 20 Vocational Higher Education Institutions that are program administrators. However, there are 65 public and private PTVs involved in this program which are members of the consortium. "So there are a total of 85 PTVs from 27 provinces throughout Indonesia," said Uuf.
Uuf revealed that the Partnership Ecosystem Strengthening Program encourages collaboration between vocational education entities and all stakeholders in the regions in order to encourage regional economic growth.
Apart from that, this program can build bridges and at the same time overcome the high walls between SMKs, PTVs, and Courses and Training Institutions.
The program scheme itself is somewhat unique because in the process PTVs in each region must form a group or consortium with at least two other PTVs. In fact, of the 20 locations, six of them are a combination of provinces that must work together to achieve program targets.
Polines Deputy Director for Cooperation, Eni Dwi Wardihani, who attended the event said, Polines together with 5 PTVs in the Central Java region, in collaboration with the Central Java Provincial Government are ready to develop innovation based on the potential of the Central Java region through the 2023 Partnership Ecosystem Program. "Through this program , PTV, Central Java Provincial Government and strategic stakeholders in Central Java work together to form a partnership ecosystem that aims to synergize partnerships and align vocational education units and stakeholders," explained Eni. In order to produce a policy brief, which contains workforce planning and innovation planning for the birth of regional potential/needs innovation clusters.
For the Central Java region, Polines are PTV Supporters, with PTV consortium members being: Politeknik Negeri Cilacap, Politeknik Maritim Negeri Indonesia, Politeknik ATMI Surakarta, UNS Vocational School and Undip Vocational School.