The International Business Administration Competition (IBAC) is a competition between polytechnic students throughout Indonesia. Field of Business Administration. IBAC 23 is the second event and was held at the Batam State Polytechnic. IBAC was previously held at the Manado State Polytechnic. At the IBAC 23 Polines contingent won 3 gold medals and 2 awards. Besides that, the Polines contingent also received an award as the overall champion.

IBAC 23 participants who won this competition were 5 participants, namely Idha Rizqi Pratiwi (Master of Ceremony Competition First Winner), M Farhan Ario Putra ((Web Design Competition First Winner), Deksa Alenia Isna (Business Plan Competition First Winner), Fariz Muhammad Abiyyu (Best Accuracy Award of Business Typing Speed Competition) and Kharisma Saputri (Best Layout Award of Meeting Plan Competition).With the acquisition of 3 gold medals and 2 awards, the Polines contingent was crowned the overall champion of this international competition.

Besides the 5 students, other students who competed were M. Arif Taufiqur rohman (Filing Competition), Aqilla Salsabila (Data Processing Competition), Eka Adhelia Pramesti (Secretarial Skills Competition), and Maria Gratia Pertiwi (Business Presentation Competition). The Team Leader and Associate Lecturer consist of Drs. Umar Farouk, M.Si, Dra. Nur Rini, M.Pd, and Sri Eka Sadriatwati. S. Sos, M.Sc. The Head of the Department (Dr. Dody Setyadi. SE, M.Sc) and the Secretary of the Department (Rustono, SE, MM) were also present in the competition.

IBAC 23 took place from Tuesday (8/8/23) to Friday (11/8/23) with brilliant results for the Polines contingent. This grand event was opened and closed by the Director of Batam State Polytechnic, Uut Brajawidagda, ST, MT, Ph.D.

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