That in order to realize Bureaucratic Reform, it is necessary to change the mindset and work culture within the Semarang State Polytechnic, one of the important factors in terms of these changes is the existence of real exemplary behavior from leaders and individual members of the organization within the Semarang State Polytechnic, and that individuals or organizational groups from the leadership level to employees whose role is to drive change and serve as role models in their work environment.
With these considerations, the Director of the Semarang State Polytechnic formed the Semarang State Polytechnic Change Agent based on the RI Menpanrb RI Regulation Number 27 of 2014 concerning Guidelines for the Development of Change Agents in Government Agencies. The change agent personnel formed are as follows:
- Suwarno, S. Sos., MIKom.
- Aris Nuryoko, S. Kom.
- Bambang Sumiyarso, ST, MT.
- Siti Mutmainah, SE, M.Sc.
- Supanto, SE, M.Sc.
- Nugroho Joko Usito, S. Kom., M. Kom.
The change agent is responsible for:
- As a catalyst whose duty is to provide confidence and understanding to all employees in Polines about the importance of change towards a better direction;
- As a change driver whose job is to encourage and mobilize employees to participate in changes towards a better work unit;
- As a solution provider whose job is to provide alternative solutions to employees or leaders within Polines who face obstacles in the process of making changes for the better;
- As a mediator whose job is to help expedite the process of change, especially solving problems that arise in the implementation of bureaucratic reform and fostering relationships between parties inside and outside the work unit related to the change process;
- As a liaison in charge of connecting two-way communication between employees in the Polines environment and decision makers;
- As a role model who serves as an individual who can be used as an example in thinking, behaving and achieving;
- Submit a report on the results of the activity to the Director of Semarang State Polytechnic.