BNI Support for the Higher Education Ecosystem, Polines Accept Operational Vehicles

Semarang, – Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) received operational vehicle assistance from BNI Regional Office 05 Semarang which is BNI's support in the higher education ecosystem. The handover of the operational vehicle took place at the Polines Directorate Courtyard, Monday (12/12/2022).

Deputy Operational Leader of BNI Regional Office 05, Sakariza Q Hemawan revealed that this operational vehicle assistance was just a symbolic form of closeness and collaboration between BNI and Polines in supporting the advancement of education.

“The most important thing is the philosophy. Polines has placed their trust in us, and we have received the trust from Polines," he said in his speech.

According to Riza, his nickname, it is very important to build trust between the two parties, especially in increasing progress in education.

Riza continued, this momentum was proof of a long journey not only between Polines and BNI, but also BNI as one of the largest banks in Indonesia.

"BNI, which has been established since 1946, has a spirit of nationalismdeliver to our current generation. The proof is that we can collaborate, including with universities, especially in Tridarma," he continued.

According to Riza, cooperation must not only be interpreted in terms of business, but also collaboration, one of which is the provision of operational vehicles for Polines. He hopes that the vehicle support that has been provided can support the implementation of the learning process and also the implementation of the Tridarma of Higher Education.

"And the most important thing is hopefully migunani(useful), because migunani will give blessings that hopefully are not only worldly but also in the hereafter," he said.

Riza continued that the cooperation with Polines itself had already taken place between them Cash Management including student payments through Virtual Account, e-collection, payroll via payroll system, unsecured loans (BNI Flexi), KPR Griya, student cards, . According to him, the assistance and cooperation that has been established is a form of banking that has entered the 5.0 generation. He said, going forward transactions without money (cashless) is a stage that must be faced together sooner or later. And BNI is committed to providing support to Polines regarding IT-based products and services," he said.

On the other hand, Polines Director Prof. Totok Prasetyo expressed his gratitude for the operational vehicle support from BNI. In line with what Riza said, the assistance provided could be useful or neglected depending on the recipient of the assistance.

“We, from Polines, of course hope that this assistance will be meaningful, means a lot of development, have a sense of responsibility to maintain, "said Prof. full-blooded

"This operational vehicle is for everything operational, for community service, for research, for student activities as well. Both for lecturers and students. In fact, this has been booked with Dharma Wanita, it really works migunani earlier," he said.

The Director of Polines hopes that the cooperation between Polines and BNI will continue to grow, especially since his party has a finance and banking study program. Not only that, Polines which is based on vocational education and also has students in the engineering field are ready to cooperate in the IT field.

“BNI is our working partner who has had it for a very long time concern outstanding. Hopefully this collaboration can be from heart to heart really because trust (trust) comes from the heart,” he concluded.

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