The Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) student team took part in enlivening the G-20 event in Bali. This opportunity was obtained from a long struggle, starting with the 2022 PLN ICE Competition with the theme of converting fuel to electric motors, with hundreds of participants from various regions and campuses, both public and private.
"Politeknik Negeri Semarang Team with its Vysatic motorbike won 2nd place in the competition and Polines is the only polytechnic of 9 finalists (8 others from universities) who competed for the championship in Jakarta last October 2022," said Ahmad Hamim Su'udy SPd MT, a lecturer at the Polines Mechanical Engineering Department as the supervisor for the Vysatic Polines student team, told the press Thursday (11/3/2022).
According to Hamim, this achievement was partly due to the extraordinary support and appreciation from the Polines campus, especially from the Director of Polines
Prof. Dr. Totok Prasetyo BEng (Hons) MT IPU ASEAN.Eng ACPE and all staff who have helped and facilitated the student team.
After the event, the Vysatic Polines team received an invitation from the PLN Jakarta Research and Development Center to participate in the Energy Transition Day (road to G20 Bali) event which was held at Sofitel Nusa Dua Bali 1-2 November 2022.
This activity is a series of G20 activities and the peak of the creativity of young people who have worked by addressing the energy transition from fuel to electric motors. According to Danan (PLN Puslitbang Jakarta), the participants who received this special invitation consisted of the 5 best teams from the campus class (category), 4 best teams from the SMK class and 1 team from the community class.
Meanwhile, according to Hamim, the electric conversion motor from Polines Vysatic is a 1979 super vespa motor converted to a 2KW motor and a 72 Volt 20 Ah lithium battery (Milik Gesit). The motorbike is equipped with Keyless features and GPS Tracking Apps security.
“This special application is integrated with motorcycles so that bicycle owners are able to see the track record of motorcycle users. This motorbike is capable of covering a distance of 40-45 km with a maximum speed of 70 km per hour, for charging the battery takes 3 hours, "said Hamim.
The student team involved in the Vysatic motorcycle team consisted of 4 students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and 2 students from the Department of Electrical Engineering. They are Winar Aziz Ridwansyah, M Dzikri Al Rasyid, Hermansyah (the three are D3-Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Mechanical Engineering Department), Luthfi Aryananda Atthariq (D4-TRPE Study Program, Mechanical Engineering Department) and Friendika Alif Arrahman and Ayu Novita Anggraeni (both D3-Department Program). Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering). (Sgi)