Polines Service Team increases Coffee Production and Marketing through PRIORITAS (Interactive Promotion and Automation of coffee grinders in Getas Village)

The Getas village, Singgorojo district, Kendal is a coffee bean producing village. The majority of the brittle villagers work as coffee farmers. There are several Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the brittle village that are engaged in coffee processing. The Small Business Development UKM is one of the SMEs in Getas Village that processes coffee beans from harvesting to selling coffee grounds. Even though it has been a coffee processing business for several years, the Small and Medium Enterprises of Farmers' Development has several problems. This SME, which is managed by Mr. Muh Rozikin, has two main problems, namely the production aspect and the marketing aspect.

The production problem that occurs is that there is no coffee grinder machine, so to make coffee powder, the Small and Medium Enterprises Business Development UKM must rent a grinder owned by another UKM. The cost of renting a grinder machine is IDR 10,000 per kilogram of coffee beans. This limits the production of coffee produced by Bina Usaha Tani, because the more coffee beans that are ground, the more expensive the production costs. Then for marketing problems, Small and Medium Enterprises of Farmer Development do not yet have a PIRT certificate, brand, and Product Packaging. Small and Medium Enterprises for Farming Business usually sell their products through WhatsApp groups or leave them in nearby stalls. So that coffee sales are less than optimal.

Knowing these problems, the community service team from the Politeknik Negeri Semarang through the Community Science and Technology Application (PIM) scheme funded by the Academic Directorate of Vocational Higher Education, the Directorate General of Vocational Education, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology provides assistance to SMEs Can Business Farming to solve the problem. This Community Service Team is chaired by Mr. Afandi Nur Aziz Thohari, ST, M.Cs, and members Mr. Kuwat Santoso, S.Kom., M.Kom, and Ms. Mirasanti Wahyuni, SE, M.Si and assisted by 4 students .

The activity carried out by the service team to solve coffee production problems is to manufacture a coffee grinder machine as an Appropriate Technology (TTG) with a production capacity of 20kg/hour. The existence of this coffee grinder machine will reduce production costs and increase the amount of coffee powder production. Before the existence of the Bina Usaha Tani grinder machine, it was able to produce 40kg of coffee powder per month. After the coffee grinder machine, the amount of coffee powder production increased from 30% to 40% to 60 kg per month, according to Mr. Muh Rozikin. The increase in the amount of coffee powder production will increase the income of the Farmers Business Development.

The next activity is to solve marketing problems, namely providing assistance in obtaining PIRT certificates, and registering priority coffee brands to the Director General of Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The PIRT certificate has been processed and has been submitted to the Tani Business Development partners. Meanwhile, priority coffee brands are currently in the process of being published by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. After having a PIRT number, the next step is to make coffee packaging labels. The contents of the packaging label are the coffee brand name, coffee variant, coffee packaging weight/content, PIRT number, producer name, and expiration date. Coffee packaging is elegantly and informatively designed to attract consumers to buy. Media selling coffee through the marketplace in Shopee and Tokopedia. These efforts were made to expand coffee sales and increase the number of coffee sales. So that the welfare of service partners, namely Farmer Business Development, is increasing.

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