The Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) has again assisted the community in the application of technology to help produce smoked salted eggs at Gemah Ripah Gedawang Gedawang Banyumanik Semarang. This activity was carried out on September 27, 2022 by the Polines community service team for the Applied Undergraduate Study Program (STr) of Computer Engineering Technology. The team led by Mardiyono, S. Kom., M. Sc. consisting of 4 lecturers namely Wiktasari, ST, M. Kom, Liliek Triyono, ST, M. Kom, Muhammad Irwan Yanwari, S. Kom., M. Eng, Kuwat Santoso, S. Kom., M. Kom. The students who helped with this service activity were Alfa Surya Saputra and Faiz Akbar Dzulfiqar.
Gemah Ripah UKM runs a business in the form of salted egg production and various other household needs. This business, which is occupied by Mr. Rujito, faces obstacles in the form of the limited type of salted egg production, namely only boiled salted eggs. Besides, this business also requires an increase in sales turnover through marketing on line which are in high demand by buyers.
The Polines service team offers solutions in the form of applying smoked salted egg production technology using an IoT-based salted egg smoker and digital marketing training to increase sales turnover.
This salted egg smoker has three shelves where each rack can accommodate 25 eggs so that the total production capacity for one smoking is 75 salted eggs. This tool also has a smoking area in the form of a rack located at the bottom and a chimney as high as approximately 2 meters to remove smoke. IoT technology has two sensors, namely a temperature sensor and a smoke density sensor.
Microcontroller equipment is also used to process data from sensors displayed on the LCD screen and activate alarms and lights when the temperature reaches 70 degrees Celsius. Monitoring can also be done through an android application so that users can monitor remotely. This tool also requires an internet connection from Wifi to send data to cloud.
In his speech, Mardiyono expressed his hope that this tool can be used to increase the types of salted egg products and increase sales turnover. Smoked salted egg products are also more durable because the water content is reduced a lot so they can last up to one month. Besides that, the texture of smoked salted eggs is more chewy with a distinctive aroma so that it is in great demand by the public.
Mr. Rujito expressed his gratitude for the assistance in the application of IoT-based salted egg smoking device technology from Polines and will try to increase the production of smoked salted eggs to increase sales turnover of Gemah Ripah SMEs. He hopes that a lot of sales turnover will increase and his business will be more developed.