The Semarang State Polytechnic Bidikmisi Student Family (Kamadikisi Polines) held a Comparative Study (Stuban) event with the Malang State Polytechnic Formadiction on March 6, 2022 with the theme “Build a Relationship and Giving an Experience to Improve Organization Performance“.
This event was held as a place to build ties of friendship and exchange ideas to add insight, knowledge, innovation, and inspiration in organizing. The event is held by on line through zoom meeting and attended by the administrators of Kamadiction Polines and Formadiction Polynema.
This event was filled with a series of events starting from remarks, brief introductions from each chairman, followed by a session share and exposure between divisions through breakout room provided, and ends with games, group photos, as well as the submission of mementos from Kamadiction Polines and Formadiction Polynema.
This event is expected to increase knowledge and insight as well as relationships in carrying out organizational activities. As well as the establishment of a good relationship between the Kamadiction of Polines and the Formadiction of Polynema.