National Seminar KSEI Peninsular Polines

KSEI Jazirah Polines has held a National Seminar with the theme “Cryptocurrency in the Era of Technology Disruption: Is it Sharia-compliant?” This activity takes place on Saturday, February 26, 2022 and is carried out through the platform Zoom Meeting because, circumstances have not allowed to hold this event offline.

This webinar takes the theme of cryptocurrency This is due to the development of technology and digitalization in various sectors, especially in the financial sector, but this has not been balanced with the knowledge of whether these developments are in accordance with sharia or contrary to Islamic law. We hope that this seminar can broaden the participants' knowledge, which consists of polynesian students and the general public regarding cryptocurrency.

Semnas activities went smoothly with the delivery of 2 presenters, namely Ah. Azharuddin Lathif, M.AG, MH and Ust. Rachmad Risqy K, SEI, MM, Ph.D moderated by Mrs. Atif Windawati, S. ST., MBA., AWP

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