First Meeting of Sipondra 2021/2022

Sipondra or Civil Polines Duta Champion is an organization in the field of civil engineering under the auspices of the Semarang State Polytechnic Civil Engineering Student Association. Sipondra was formed with a background to improve and advance the world of competition for Civil Engineering students at the Semarang State Polytechnic. The purpose of the Sipondra organization is to assist the bureaucracy and administrative affairs of the contestants as well as to guide them from an academic point of view, to be able to open their eyes to Polines civil engineering students and introduce them to the world of competition, and to develop all members in terms of organization.

Sipondra has several work programs, one of which is the inaugural meeting work program. The inaugural meeting is a routine event held every year by Sipondra. The inaugural meeting was held with the aim that all Civil Engineering students at the Semarang State Polytechnic would get to know Sipondra more closely.

The inaugural Sipondra 2021/2022 Meeting was held on Saturday, January 8, 2022 with the theme "Lit Up Your Knowledge by Learning and Practice with Sipondra". This inaugural meeting was filled with 4 speakers named Helmi Fauzil Adhim who is an Alumni of Sipondra 2019/2020 who is also an alumni of Polines civil engineering students, Ida Nurhani and Nur Farikhan Muttaqim who are activists of civil engineering competitions who are also active students of Polines majoring in civil engineering, and Aditya Octa Wijaya who is the chairman of Sipondra for the period 2021/2022 who is also an active student of Polines.

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic this year, it is not possible to hold the 2021/2022 Prime Sipondra Gathering directly (offline), but that doesn't mean the first meeting can't be held. The Fundamentals of Sipondra Meeting 2021/2022 will be held virtually (on line) through zoom meeting. The target of the participants of this event are Polynes Civil Engineering students, especially for level 1 and level 2. There are 49 participants who register through google forms.

A series of inaugural meeting activities included: opening by the moderator, remarks from the chief executive (Donny Satria Adi Kristanto), remarks from the chairman of PSDM HMS Polines (Fery Alvian), remarks from the chairman of Sipondra for the period 2021/2022 (Aditya Octa Wijaya), presentation of material by speaker 1 ( Helmi Fauzil Adhim), presentation of material by speaker 2 (Ida Nurhani and Nur Farikhan Muttaqim), delivery of material by speaker 3 (Aditya Octa Wijaya), question and answer session from participants, and closed with documentation of the event.

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