KSR PMI Polines Unit Recruiting New Members

KSR PMI Semarang State Polytechnic Unit has recruited new members for their regeneration. 70 Hours Basic Education and Training (DIKLATSAR) is a routine activity carried out by KSR PMI Polines Unit for prospective members of the 38th UKM KSR PMI Semarang State Polytechnic Unit. This activity was officially opened by the Deputy Director of Student Affairs. Events starting with opening ceremony at 07.30 WIB was also attended by prospective members, committees, administrators, representatives of PMI Semarang City and several invited guests from KSR Universities throughout Semarang City. The total number of participants who attended was around 54 participants.

This stage is one of the requirements so that prospective members can become KSR members according to the applicable AD/ART. This training is held for 6 periods within 14 days for 70 hours, where each period is held every Saturday and Sunday. The details are as follows:

1. 6-7 November 2021

2. November 13-14, 2021

3. 20-21 November 2021

4. 27-28 November 2021

5. 4-5 December 2021

6. 11-12 December 2021

The function of this DIKLATSAR event is none other than to provide basic training to the 38th member candidates on the subject of red cross, ranging from organization, first aid, disaster emergency response, and so on. The materials provided will certainly be useful for later as one of the humanitarian volunteers. The presenters are also people who are experts in their fields and also experienced, because KSR PMI Polines works directly with PMI Semarang City to provide quality material to prospective members 38. Even some of the presenters are directly from nurses who are very competent in their fields.

In addition, KSR PMI Polines also cooperates with other KSR Units to provide materials. There are KSR from UNNES Unit, KSR from Poltekkes Unit, KSR from UNDIP Unit, KSR from UMS Unit, some even from internal KSR Unit Polines itself. During the event dominated by material presentations, of course the 38th KSR member candidates will be bored if they continue to be given material, so on the sidelines of the event an ice breaking is held as a refresher, there is also an energizer as a means so that the material given can be better understood by using a quiz. interactive ones.

At the end of the event every day for 6 periods there is also a daily test, as a medium to assess the understanding of prospective members about the material given to red cross. The 38th DIKLATSAR event ended last December 12, you could say this event went very smoothly. This is inseparable from the cohesiveness of the committee from batch 37, chaired by Aldo Naufal Mudriya Effendi. Aldo commented on this event by saying, "Alhamdulillah, the 38th KSR PMI Education and Training Center of the Semarang State Polytechnic Unit went smoothly, the obstacles faced by the committee could be resolved swiftly, because it could not be separated from the hard work of the 37th generation committee members who were assisted by 36th generation management. Hopefully the next 39th Training and Education will also run smoothly.”

This activity is expected to provide useful knowledge and maintain the enthusiasm of prospective new members. Even though it is still being hit by a pandemic, it does not hinder the enthusiasm of prospective volunteers to continue learning and serving.

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