Polines Collaborates with 5 Polytechnics in the PPSDMPD Kemhub Environment


Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with 5 (five) Polytechnics within the Land Transportation Human Resources Development Center (PPSDMPD) of the Ministry of Transportation in the context of cooperation in the fields of education and teaching, research, and community service as a form of implementation Tri Dharma College.

The Memorandum of Understanding was held on Thursday, January 27, 2022 at the Applied Masters Building, Politeknik Negeri Semarang campus (Polines) and signed by Prof. Dr. Totok Prasetyo, B.Eng (Hons), MT., IPU, ACPE (Director of Polines) with M. Yani ATD., MT. (Director of Politeknik Transportasi Darat Indonesia, Bekasi), Dr. Siti Maimunah, S.Si., MSE., MA. (Director of Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan, Tegal), H. Irwan, SH., M.Pd., M.Mar E (Director of Politeknik Transportasi Sungai, Danau dan Penyeberangan, Palembang), Dr. Ir. Yuwono Wiarco, S.SiT., MT, IPM., (Director of Politeknik Perkeretapian Indonesia, Madiun), and Dr. Efendi Prih Raharjo ST, S.SiT., MT, (Director of Politeknik Transportasi Darat, Bali).

Director of Polines Prof. Dr. Totok Prasetyo, B.Eng (Hons), MT., IPU, ACPE welcomed the initiation of this collaboration. "This collaboration between vocational colleges will certainly increase the opportunities for each other's potential to be developed," he said in his remarks.

At the event, Drs. Nahduddin, M.Sc. as the Head of PPSDMPD of the Ministry of Transportation who in his opening speech conveyed this collaboration in order to develop guidelines for research roadmaps and community service. "In order to become a reference for our polytechnic to pioneer the advantages of each of our campuses, so that universities have a competitive advantage," he explained.

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