The Center for Data and Information Technology (PUSDATIN) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, through Mursid Triasmanto, a Statistical Analyst, stated his readiness to support the National Selection for Higher Education Entrance Program, SNMPN 2022 at the inauguration of the National Selection Path for State Polytechnic Entrance (SNMPN) 2022, in Jakarta, today ( 03/01/2022).
Together with the Academic Directorate of Vocational Higher Education Kemendikbudristek and the Forum for Director of State Polytechnics throughout Indonesia (FDPNI) and witnessed by Principals of SMK/SMA/MA/MAK throughout Indonesia and Counseling Guidance Teachers (hybrid, ed.) PUSDATIN provides an overview of concept renewal Management of data and information based on the development needs of education development in Indonesia.
The education data verification and validation system, otherwise known as Verval Data aims to correct invalid data, due to data duplication. Usually this happens because students who are no longer active, because they have moved, and for some reason are still enrolled in the old school. Meanwhile, in new schools, students are re-recorded so that data duplication has the potential to occur. “The Education Unit plays a very important role in the student data collection process. Both schools, operators and school principals are expected to coordinate to update data such as NISN, student identities and so on, so that the validation verification target can be met," said Mursid.
"The data used refers to data from the Ministry of Home Affairs. And, it turns out that there are still problems regarding educational master data. For this reason, Verval Data is needed, considering that this data is the basis for the upcoming national selection program," he continued.
Academic Director of Vocational Higher Education, Dr. Beny Bandanadjaja, ST, MT also added that the Government through the One Data Indonesia program has made efforts to realize government data management that is accurate, up-to-date, integrated, and accountable, as well as easy to access and share between Central Agencies and Regional Agencies. "The data is centralized from the Ministry of Home Affairs. And the use of the data is not only limited to internal use between agencies, but also as a form of meeting the needs of public data for the community. One of them is the use of data for the national selection program to enter universities, such as this SNMPN,” he continued.
Before the 2022 SNMPN was launched, an internal socialization was held for each polytechnic participating in this selection on December 28, 2021. Seeing how data is the most important part of the selection process, on that occasion the Head of the Education Unit Data and Learning Process PUSDATIN Kemendikbudristek, Drs. L. Manik Mustikohendro, M.Sc. also had the opportunity to convey about the Data Ecosystem.
“Data is representative of every citizen whose education must be ensured. Each individual, will leave a track record of educational data, from the beginning of joining basic education to continuing education, junior high school, high school / vocational / MA and tertiary education. For that we need more understanding in terms of managing educational data, "said Manik Mustikohendro. (SNMPN PR Coordinator)
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PICs. SNMPN Public Relations Coordinator: Andri Suryandari, M.Med.Kom. AMIPR (HP. 0819833824)