Electric Bike Competition, Polines “Squeezing” Team Wins the Champion

PLN Puslitbang Jakarta held an Innovation and Competition in Electricity (ICE) 2021 activity for student creation events throughout Indonesia.

The electric vehicle category activities are packaged into 5 sub categories (electric motorbikes, electric equipment, tricycles, electric bicycles, electric cars) with a total of 412 student teams from all universities in Indonesia.

The Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) "Ngepit" team won third place for the electric bicycle sub category. The team consisted of 3 students majoring in Mechanical Engineering Polines (Akhmat Dwi Mulyo, Imas Alifah, and Muhammad maulana Ulil Amri) and 2 students majoring in Electrical Engineering Polines (Rozzaaq Sutan Tiennedy and Ayu Novita Anggraeni) and supervisor lecturer Ahmad Hamim Su'udy SPd MT ( Polynes Mechanical Engineering Department).

Ahmad Hamim Su'udy told the press at the local campus, Saturday (10/23/2021) that the selection was carried out strictly from May to October 2021. The first selection was carried out in May 2021, from the 412 teams participating in the activity, 75 best teams were selected. with each sub category represented by the 15 best teams. Furthermore, the second selection stage was competed again to get the best 25 teams represented by the best 5 teams in each sub category.

In the third selection stage, said Ahmad Hamim Su'udy, 15 best teams were obtained from representatives of the 3 best teams for each sub category. The next stage of the competition, the best 3 teams were competed to make prototypes with a time limit of one and a half months to get the first, second, and third place winners from each sub category.

"Friday, October 22, 2021, the jury announced their assessment and in the electric bicycle sub category, the Polines Team won third place with the prototype product "NGEPIT". This prototype has the advantage of security when turning on and off an electric bicycle using an RFID system with a key card in the form of an ID card or other registered card,” added Ahmad Hamim Su'udy.

Furthermore, according to him, the NGEPIT electric bicycle uses a 350 Watt motor, with a 48 Volt Lithium Battery and this vehicle takes 3 hours when fully charged, with a maximum distance of 35 KM, "said Ahmad Hamim Su'udy.

Director of Polines Prof. Dr. Totok Prasetyo BEng (Hons) MT IPU ACPE expressed his support and high appreciation for the achievements of the Ngepit Team who won third place in the electric bicycle prototype category. The Director hopes that these achievements will increase in the coming years and can motivate other Polines students to always be creative, innovate, and excel.(Sgi)


This article has been published on krjogja.com with the title Electric Bike Competition, Polines “Ngepit” Team Wins Champion, https://www.krjogja.com/berita-lokal/jateng/semarang/kompetisi-sepeda-listrik-tim-ngepit- polines-win-champion/
Editor: Agus Sigit

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