Investment As a New Lifestyle for Z Generation

SEKOIN (Investment Competition Week) 2021 themed event “Investment As a New Lifestyle for Z Generation” is an activity organized by Capital Market Community (CMC) Semarang State Polytechnic which aims to increase understanding and insight into the capital market and investment for both Polines students in particular and society in general.

Not only that, this activity also aims to increase investment enthusiasm and the quality of student resources to become investors.

Presentation Session by Mr. Jeffrey Hendrik


Presentation of Material by Mr. Dennis SLL


Capital Market Community (CMC) Semarang State Polytechnic will hold SEKOIN (Investment Competition Week) 2021 activities on a regular basis on line. This event has been held on Saturday, October 30, 2021 at 08.00 – 13.30 WIB using media Zoom Cloud Meetings and attended by 195 participants.

The 2021 SEKOIN (Investment Competition Week) activity begins with the opening by Master of Ceremony (MC) and continued by singing the Indonesia Raya Anthem for the entire committee, participants, and invited guests. The event then continued with remarks from Sister Tiara Dalila Furqan as the Chief Executive, Mr. Aris Sunindyo, SE, MM as the Advisor from CMC Polines, and Mr. Adhy Purnomo, ST, MT as Deputy Director of Student Affairs at the Semarang State Polytechnic. After the speech, the event then continued with the presentation of CV from the moderator as well as the presenter. The material presentation session from each speaker was divided into 4 sessions for 4 speakers who discussed different topics related to investment and the capital market. The four speakers were Mr. Jeffrey Hendrik as the representative of Phintraco Sekuritas, Mr. Fanny Rifqi El Fuad as the representative of IDX Central Java 1, Mr. Bekti Sutikna as the Professional Trader, and Mr. Dennis SLL as founder from the Indonesian Stock School. The next event was a question and answer session from the material that had been delivered and then continued with the event games provided by the committee. Then continued with the announcement of the winners of the Videography Competition, the 2021 SEKOIN Trading Competition and the winners door prize of the activity. The winners of the 2021 SEKOIN Trading Competition include:

  • 1st Place: Bengawanmology team (Surakarta State University)
  • 2nd Place: Love You team (Pancasakti University Tegal)
  • 3rd place: Wonder team (Sebelas Maret University)
  • Best Paper : Future Investment team (Semarang State University)
  • Best Traders : Love you team (Pancasakti University Tegal)

The last event was a documentation session (group photo) and continued with closing by the MC.

After holding this activity, it is hoped that the objectives of the 2021 SEKOIN (Investment Competition Week) activity can be realized, namely so that participants can add knowledge or insight related to the capital market and investment and can also improve the quality of each participant to become an investor. Not only that, hopefully the presenters who have participated will also benefit from the process of presenting the material in these activities.

SEKOIN Online Participant (Investment Competition Week) 2021

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