In order to increase marketing for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), the Semarang State Polytechnic Team (Polines) again provided assistance. This time the Polines Team consisting of Sarana (chairman), Paryono, Eka Murtiasri, and Rani Raharjanti provided assistance to partners, namely UKM Albin (guitar craftsmen) located in Tepisari Village, Kec. Polokarto, Kab. Sukoharjo.
Sarana, as the Team Leader said that this activity was in the form of a regional superior product development program (PPPUD) for developing quality guitar crafts with local brands in the District. Sukoharjo, Central Java. "The assistance of partner SMEs is carried out by eliminating problems that arise," he explained during a visit to the Albin UKM location, Sukoharjo, Monday, 30/8.
Problems that arise are weaknesses in the field of management and production processes, including: unorganized production equipment and raw materials, low quality standards of production applied, no budgeting process and track record of financial data from the purchasing to sales process, inconsistency in production results. , the absence of appropriate promotional media, does not have a permanent name or brand.
Based on these problems, Sarana said, problem-solving solutions were offered within 3 (three) years of assistance with the following details: Improving the quality of raw materials, assisting in improving the production process through adding machines and making SOPs to improve working methods. In addition, assistance in structuring human resources in the production, administration and finance divisions through structured training, marketing assistance through training and the creation of marketing media in the form of manual catalogs, virtual and website marketing, as well as assistance in naming/branding and increasing product variety.
It is hoped that with the solutions offered, Sarana expects, UKM Al Bin Sukoharjo as a partner in this program will be able to increase the amount of production, maintain product quality and increase sales turnover so that it can continue to grow (going concern) to face competition at local and global levels.
The programs this year are: improvement of the product finishing process by increasing the quality of the final product through repair of the painting room (addition of Ram to reduce paint dust) and repair of the drying room (making guitar hanging cranes and adding controlled heating lamps).
To increase marketing through online media, this is done through the creation of showrooms, dynamic website creation, marketing through social media, catalog creation, content creation and HR training.