National Polytechnic English Olympics (NPEO)

The 8th National Polytechnic English Olympics (NPEO) in 2021 which was held online at the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) for 3 days, 15 -17 June 2021, went smoothly and successfully. This success is the result of the cooperation of all parties, the internal polines committee and external parties, namely the competition coordinators and the IT team, including the judges, participants, PICs and the leadership of each of the 52 polytechnics participating in the competition.

The 8th NPEO is the result of a beautiful collaboration of expertise and authority of various parties.

In the implementation of the 8th NPEO, Polines as the host has completed this annual English competition with four things, namely the NPEO logo, NPEO Jargon, Berdera and NPEO Jinggel. The NPEO logo and flag were designed by Drs. Toni Hartono, M.Pd. In the previous seven NPEO events, the logo and theme were created by the organizing institution. It is hoped that the proposed permanent logo can reduce the work of the next NPEO Host. The NPEO 2021 committee also proposed the NPEO fixed jargon, namely: friendship, excellence, better life. Friendship is to strengthen the relationship between the polytechnic community and to support the noble ideals of the nation, namely national unity and integrity. Excellence is to improve the intelligence of human resources so that they excel. Temporary better life is a better life to realize the welfare of the nation. Improving intelligence and realizing the welfare of the nation are the noble ideals of the nation as stated in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution. In the 8th NPEO, this is the first time that an NPEO jingle song was made, the lyrics of which were composed by Mr. Drs. Toni Hartono and his music were arranged by Marcellinus Mayone Aldion, a student at the Semarang State Polytechnic. It is hoped that the logo, flag, jargon and hymn will be used for the next NPEO.

The 8th NPEO event with the theme 'Gaining Language Competence for Better Life' closed on 17 June 2021 at 19:00 live using ZOOM and YouTube Streaming by the Chairman of Bakorma, Mr. Iwa Sudrajat, ST, MT Mr. Ir. Anang Budikarso, MT, Deputy Director for Student Affairs at the Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic – the 2019 NPEO General Champion – as invited guests, Mr. Adhy Purnomo, ST, MT Deputy Director for Student Affairs at the Semarang State Polytechnic as the host, and the Chief Executive of the 8th NPEO Dra. Nur Rini, M.Pd.

The agenda for the closing ceremony was a speech from the Polines and the chairman of Bakorma as well as officially closing the 9th NPEO event in 2021, handing over the rotating trophy of the 2019 NPEO general champion, PENS, to Bakorma represented by the Deputy Director for Student Affairs Polines, Announcement of Competition Winners for each -each category by the respective coordinator of the Competition Field, namely (1) the field of competition Writing by Mr. I Nyoman Rajin Aryana, S.Pd, M, Hum., (2) the field of competition story telling by Mr. Drs. Danny Gandana Nugraha, M.Ed. (3) Speech competition by Mr. Refdy Akmal, S.Pd, M.Pd. (4) News casting competition by Mrs. Dias Agata,SS, M.Pd. and (5) the field of Debate competition by Mr. Rachmat Nurcahyo, SS, MA. The announcement of the winners of the 8th NPEO General Champion was carried out by the Head of the Organizing Committee, Dra. Nur Rini, M.Pd. In this event, there was a symbolic handing over of the Rotating Trophy, placard & certificate of the General Champion. Prior to the official closing, the NPEO Flag Handover ceremony was held from the Chief Executive of the 8th  NPEO to the Deputy Director of 3 POLINES, because the Polytechnic institution has not yet determined the organizer of the 9th NPEO in 2022.

The Top 10 institutions from 52 Polytechnics participating in the 8th NPEO were (1) Sriwijaya State Polytechnic, (2) Semarang State Polytechnic, (3) Surabaya State Electronic Polytechnic, (4) Malang State Polytechnic, (5) Surabaya State Shipping Polytechnic. , (6) Bali State Polytechnic, (7) Jakarta II Ministry of Health Polytechnic, (8) Padang State Polytechnic, (9) Manado State Polytechnic, (10) Yogyakarta Health Ministry Polytechnic. So that the overall champion of the 8th NPEO is the Sriwijaya State Polytechnic. Ranking is calculated based on the points earned during the race and in all types of competitions.

The winners are divided into categories, namely: master and novice each consisting of 5 people from the 1st place to the 4th runner up in 5 branches of the competition; debate, speech, stroytelling, newscasting, and writing. The debate also announced the 10 best debaters individually in the master and novice categories. The 8th NPEO in 2021 which was attended by 328 participants. awarded to 56 winners.

From Speech Contest, for categories master, the 1st place winner is David Adhitya Stumer from Semarang State Polytechnic. Runner Up 1 is Dwi Anggraini from Sriwijaya State Polytechnic. Runner Up 2 is Ni Putu Marchellina Amara Devi from Bali State Polytechnic. Runner Up 3 is Sarah Alissa Destrianne from Balikpapan State Polytechnic. Runner Up 4 is Adysti Widya Maharani from Balikpapan State Polytechnic. For categories novice the winner is 1st place on behalf of Namira Rizqi Annisa from the Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic. Runner Up 1 is Venerini Ranum Classy Dewi from Poltekkes, Ministry of Health, Yogyakarta. Runner Up 2 is Muhammad Jawad Ali Habshi from the Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic. Runner Up 3 is Ni Putu Meisha Yunda Ningsih from Bali State Polytechnic. Runner Up4 is Erika Wairoy from Fakfak State Polytechnic.

In the Newscasting competition, for the category master, the 1st place winner is Fellya Zumarnis from the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Jakarta II. Runner Up 1 is Bryan Austin Lontoh from Manado State Polytechnic. Runner Up 2 is Ni Putu Aprilia Laksmi from Bali State Polytechnic. Runner Up 3 In'Ya Yuri Overcome from Bandung Manufacturing Polytechnic. Runner Up 4 is Adella Delvina from Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic (PENS). For Category Novice, the 1st place winner is Zulkifly Firmancha Pomantow from Manado State Polytechnic.

Runner Up 1 is Tahlitha Laela Dzikrin from the Jakarta State Polytechnic. Runner Up 2 is Aida Nelawati Rosa from the Surabaya State Shipping Polytechnic. Runner Up 3 is Almira Ulima Sadiya from the Balikpapan State Polytechnic. Runner Up 4 is Aninatul Baidiyah from Jember State Polytechnic.

In the Story telling competition, for the category Master, 1st place was Putri Ayu Nisa Az-Zahra from Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic, 1st runner up was Zahra Syauqina from Semarang State Polytechnic, 2nd runner up was Annisa Lidya Ardiani from Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic. Runner Up 3 is Kania Ratna Arimbi from Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta. Runner Up 4 is Salsabila Shafa Anisya from the State Polytechnic of Creative Media. For Category Novice, 1st place was Angeline Sirait from Medan State Polytechnic. Runner Up 1 is Ni Luh Putu Praptiwi from Bali State Polytechnic. Runner Up 2 is Syafia Aisyah Keumala from Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic. Runner Up 3 is Tyara Nur Fadilla from Madiun State Polytechnic. Runner Up 4 is Meiranda Normarisa Azis from Jember State Polytechnic

In the Competition Writing, for category Master, the 1st place winner is Meliana Frantika Sutanto from the Surabaya State Shipping Polytechnic. Runner Up 1 is Bahriati Ilmi Abadiah from Malang State Polytechnic. Runner Up 2 is Priscilla Miki Aisyah from Semarang State Polytechnic. Runner Up 3 is Ida Ayu Cantika Widyantari Devi from Bali State Polytechnic. Runner Up 4 is Ilmi Hanifa Nur Alam from Bandung State Polytechnic. For categories Novice 1st place winner is Megavia Noor Iman from Surabaya State Shipping Polytechnic. Runner Up 1 is Annisa Rahma Kumalasari from Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Runner Up 2 is Maulidia Selfianie from Poltekkes Kemenkes Banjarmasin. Runner Up 3 is Vina Vinesta from Semarang State Polytechnic. Runner Up 4 is Revilinda Annabela from Jember State Polytechnic.

In the Debate competition, for the Master category, the 1st place winners were Romi M Santri and Nadia Ramadhani from Sriwijaya State Polytechnic. Runner Up 1 is Randhika Rianza and Afri Candra from Padang State Polytechnic. Runner Up 2 is Arya Putra Hadi Yulianto and Ramadhany Sekar Purnama from Malang State Polytechnic. Runner Up 3 is Dzul Fadhla and Kori Kharisma Rini from Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta. For the Novice category, the 1st place winners were Elvyra Jovanka Rozani and Muhammad Rifky Ramdhani from Bandung Manufacturing Polytechnic. Runner Up 1 is Leonardo and Ghufron Ramadhan from Batam State Polytechnic. Runner Up 2 is R. Cakradana Ardhanurahman Yudhatama and Shulton Nurifad Aliff Gibran from Cilacap State Polytechnic. Runner Up 3 is Muhammad Guswali and Alexandra Loesia D. Jala from Jember State Polytechnic.

In the Debate competition, awards were also given to the top 10 best speaker debaters. For the master category are (1) Candra Togi from Samarinda State Polytechnic, (2) Romi M Santri from Sriwijaya State Polytechnic. (3) Abdul Hakim Azis from the Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic. (4) Randhika Rianza from Padang State Polytechnic. (5) Nadia Ramadhani from Sriwijaya State Polytechnic. (6) I Gede Guntur Saputra from the Bali State Polytechnic. (7) Afri Candra from Padang State Polytechnic. (8) Maulidya Hana Mufida from Samarinda State Polytechnic. (9) Oktavia Khunhardianingrum from Semarang State Polytechnic. (10) Nanda Dwi Saputra from Banyuwangi State Polytechnic. For the Novice Category, (1) Alif Iman Billah Farid Muhamad from the Surabaya State Shipping Polytechnic. (2) Ghufron Ramadhan from Batam State Polytechnic. (3) Qasi'Ah Putri from Jakarta State Polytechnic. (4) Michelle Jocelyn Wang from Madiun State Polytechnic. (5) Bagus Dwi Cahyono from Madiun State Polytechnic. (6) Dian Dwi Lestari urges from Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. (7) Elvyra Jovanka Rozani from Bandung Manufacturing Polytechnic. (8) Haldhira Ladiva from the Jakarta State Polytechnic. (9) Hanifullah Hafidz Arrizal from Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang. (10) Pandu Tawaqal Anggra Kusuma from Medan State Polytechnic.

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