Leadership Training and Inauguration of New Members of Knowledge Development SMEs

Leadership Training and Inauguration of New Members or commonly called LKPAB is a work program of Knowledge Development UKM which aims to gain experience, train discipline and leadership, and inaugurate new prospective members of Knowledge Development UKM.

This activity was held for two days, namely 9-10 January 2021, on line via zoom meeting with the theme "Forming a Leadership Spirit in Organizations with Integrity and Ethics to Create a Quality Generation During a Pandemic". The target participants for Leadership Training and Inauguration of New Members of the Knowledge Development UKM are active students of the Semarang State Polytechnic from various majors who were declared to have passed the internship on the previous agenda as many as 150 participants, but the number of registrants reached more than the specified target.

At this year's LKPAB, the committee made it like a webinar on line due to the impossible situation if held offline as in previous years. There were 5 presenters presented at this year's LKPAB. Activities on the first day began with the opening ceremony, singing the Indonesia Raya anthem, speeches, delivery of material including SWOT analysis and leadership, motivation control, work plans and committees, trial procedures, and development of work programs, followed by discussions and presentations. each group. Here are some documentations when the presenters deliver the material.

There are representatives of new members on the second day. In addition, LKPAB participants are also given tasks so that the predetermined goals are achieved and the essence of the Pendas this time is conveyed to the participants even though it is held individually. on line.

Then on the second day there is a simulation of trial procedures. At the end of the event closed with the Inauguration of New Members as a symbolic form that the prospective new members of the Knowledge Development UKM have been officially recognized as active members of the Knowledge Development UKM. There are representatives of new members on the second day.

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