On Wednesday, December 23, 2020, the Big Family of Bidikmisi Students (KAMADIKSI) of Semarang State Polytechnic (POLINES) held a Gathering and Seminar on Motivation for Kamadikisi 2020 with the theme "Cultivating Togetherness and Building Creativity in the New Normal Era in Interpreting Indonesian Cultural Diversity".
The Gathering and Motivation Seminar is an offering from Kamadik Polines as a forum for KIP-K students to get to know each other, besides that this event also aims to provide motivation as a provision for KIP-K students to become active and outstanding students.
This event is different from previous years. One of them is this year's Motivation Gathering and Seminar which will be held online regarding COVID-19. In the series of Gathering and Motivation Seminars, several interesting art performances were presented, such as chain poetry, drama and song covers. This event was also attended by 280 participants from KIP-K Polines students.
This event was held through a Zoom Meeting which was attended by Deputy Director III for Student Affairs, Adhy Purnomo, ST, MT. He advised that Polines Bidikmisi students should further improve their achievements in academic and non-academic fields and Mr. Arifin Alief Hidayat, SE who conveyed the introduction of KIP- K. In addition, Kamadik Polines also invited presenters, namely Rohman Hikmat as the Supervisory Board of JMKI Priangan 2018-2019, Head of BEM Kema Fkep Unpad 2020, founder@startnow.idn and Rhiyo Yudha Febriyano,A.Md. as Alumni of Bidikmisi Polynes Students with Achievements as well as content creators.
This event ended with the announcement of the best pensi which was an appreciation from the family of Bidikmisi Polines students to the KIP-K Polines participants for the art performances that had been displayed.