UKM WAPALHI is an organization engaged in outdoor sports which was founded on December 4, 1983. UKM WAPALHI has a tradition to commemorate its birthday known as the Ungaran Tradition. This tradition is usually held in the Mount Ungaran area with various events such as gatherings for all members of the WAPALHI UKM both active and non-active, climbing Mount Ungaran and blood donations.
This year's Ungaran Tradition activity is slightly different from the previous year due to the covid-19 pandemic which requires students to be at home. This was initially an obstacle for WAPALHI SMEs, but these activities can still be overcome with other activities such as online Ungaran Tradition activities. Even though it's done online, at least you can keep this tradition intact. Ungaran Tradition activities online in the form of lectures and questions and answers about the history of WAPALHI SMEs which are carried out through the application video conferencing and meetings (zoom).
The 2020 Ungaran Tradition activity was attended by all WAPALHI UKM members, both active and non-active, as well as prospective members. The main purpose of this tradition is to introduce WAPALHI UKM to prospective WAPALHI UKM members in 2020. There are 71 participants in this Tradition activity. Registration for this activity is done through an online registration form in the form of: google forms published by the committee through the WAPALHI UKM social media account and their respective social media accounts.
The Ungaran 2020 tradition consists of online gatherings via: zoom and social service. The online workshop will be held on December 12, 2020 at 19.00 WIB. Prior to the implementation of the activity, participants were given a login link 15 minutes earlier so they could join the event. The event was opened with remarks from the chief executive, elder brothers, tribal chiefs and WAPALHI UKM supervisors as well as the Deputy Director for Student Affairs. After that, the introductions from all members of the WAPALHI UKM starting from the oldest generation to the active members and don't forget to introduce the prospective members of the WAPALHI UKM 2020. Various questions about the WAPALHI UKM and their current development were also asked by all participants.
The next activity, namely the social service held by the WAPALHI UKM, was held on December 20, 2020 in Promasan Village, Limbangan, Kendal. Social services that are distributed directly by UKM WAPALHI for the people of Promasan Village which are located difficult to reach to help meet their daily needs in the form of 21 packages of basic food and cleaning tools such as palm fiber brooms, broom sticks, trash cans, dustpans or drains, doormats, room brushes shower, floor mop and bucket. Don't forget to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 chain, WAPALHI UKM also provides hand washing tools, hand sanitizer and medical masks. With this social service activity, WAPALHI UKM hopes that the Promasan Village community can implement a clean and healthy lifestyle and avoid COVID-19.