Community Service Activities (BAKMAS) with the theme "Nawur Anindha Andum Andaru"

The Community Service Activity (BAKMAS) with the theme "Nawur Anindha Andum Andaru" which means sowing goodness in sharing the happiness of the Pandawa Racana in 2020 is carried out as a manifestation of the concept of scouting development which consists of self-development, unit and community development which is the second code of honor of scouts, namely the love of nature and the love of fellow human beings.

In addition, helping others live and participating in community building is also an obligation as a scout.

As an effort to prevent the spread of covid-19 In Semarang, Racana Pandawa took the initiative to hold community service activities by distributing masks, hand sanitizers, and boxed rice to the community, especially for traders, parking attendants, motorcycle taxi drivers, buskers, and scavengers. This activity took place around the Johar Market, Kauman, West Semarang on November 15, 2020 which started at 08.00 WIB – 10.45 WIB. This Bakmas was attended by 12 members of Racana Pandawa.

The activity was opened with a prayer together, then continued by dividing the group and dividing the distribution location. Then began distributing boxed rice, masks and hand sanitizers to targets who had not complied with the health protocol. With this activity, it is hoped that it can increase the awareness of Racana Pandawa members towards cases of covid-19 and increase public awareness in crowded places to always apply health protocols in accordance with government recommendations.


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