LMOM Work Program 2020 Electrical Engineering Student Association

One of the work programs from the Cadreization Division of the Electrical Engineering Student Association of Semarang State Polytechnic is the Student Organization Management Exercise (LMOM) which this year has the theme "Growing Young Intellectuals with Quality and Integrity". LMOM activities are carried out with the aim of growing good personalities and characteristics as well as being a provision to become an organizer.

This activity is carried out by on line use zoom platform. The LMOM activity also aims to determine the characteristics of participants in the cadre process.

The LMOM activity involved 200 active students of the Electrical Engineering Department which lasted for 2 days, namely on Saturday – Sunday, November 14 – 15 2020. However, due to the pandemic conditions Covid-19 This resulted in the LMOM activity this time being much different from previous years which were held on a regular basis offline. LMOM 2020 activities are held individually on line for all participants, while for the committee it is applied according to job desk which is given. A total of 20 STO HME 2020/2021 became the committee offline by continuing to apply the applicable health protocol rules and a total of 47 STO HME 2020/2021 people become the committee on line. This is intended so as not to endanger the safety or health of others and limit the presence of crowds.

On Saturday, November 14, 2020, LMOM activities were carried out through zoom platform which begins with the absence of the committee, committee inspections, and briefing Committee. Then participants enter zoom and the event opens at 08.00 WIB. After the opening, this activity was continued by singing the Indonesia Raya anthem, remarks from the Chief Executive, and remarks from the Chairman of the Association. Then enter the core of the event which begins with the introduction of the first speaker, namely Muhammad Farhan Aziz, President of the Student Executive of Universitas Brawijaya who fills the material on Organizational Fundamentals and continues with a question and answer session and participant attendance. Before entering the next material, a session is held ice breaker in the form of a guessing game. The activity was continued with material from the second speaker, namely Sister Mulia Sari, Minister of Human Resources and Energy BEM for the 2020/2021 Period who explained the material for Formulation of Initial Ideas and SWOT which was followed by a question and answer session at the end of the material. At 11.30 WIB the activity was rested for 1 hour with ISHOMA. The activity starts again at 12.30 and continues with material Sharing Alumni from HME Polines Alumni

For the 2015/2016 period, Mr. Mardito Adenovit Kusnanda Putra. Then the activity continued with the Motivation Control material delivered by Muhammad Nur Sahid Fatqulloh, Chair of the 2019 Faculty of Animal Husbandry BEM, Universitas Gadjah Mada and there was a question and answer session at the end of the material as well as participant attendance before the event on the first day was closed.

On November 15, 2020 LMOM activities are still being carried out through zoom platform. Like the previous day, this activity began with committee attendance, committee inspections, and briefing Committee. Then participants enter zoom and the event opens at 08.00 WIB. After the opening, it was continued with material from the fourth speaker, namely Mr. Bagas Saputro as General Secretary of HME for the 2015/2016 Period and the Student President of the Semarang State Polytechnic for the 2016/2017 Period to explain material on Proker Development, then a question and answer session at the end of the material and participant attendance. After that, the activity was continued with Session Simulation material delivered by the fifth speaker, namely Sister Shafa Auliya Arfiyani, Member of BPM Semarang State Polytechnic for the 2020/2021 Period. The next activity is the announcement of group dynamics division and continued with ISHOMA for 1 hour. In the group dynamics session the participants were divided into several groups to discuss some of the case studies given. After the group dynamics ends, participants are required to fill in again form absenteeism. The LMOM 2020 activity ended with the announcement of the best participants, namely Adhitya Putra Pradana and Diksi Aisyah Isna, the activity was then continued with closing by the MC at 15.00 WIB. This LMOM activity can run smoothly even though there are several obstacles and it is hoped that through this activity the participants can grow good personalities and characteristics and this activity can be a provision for participants to become an organizer.


Activity Documentation

The speaker, Brother Mardito Adenovit Kusnanda Putra, explained the material Sharing Alumni


The third speaker, Muhammad Nur Sahid Fatqulloh, filled out material 3 (Control of Motivation)

The fifth speaker, Sister Shafa Auliya Arfiyani, filled out material 5 (Trial Simulation)

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