Semarang, October 19, 2020- a work program from the HMAB's R&D division has been implemented, namely the 2020 academic dialogue. The academic dialogue aims to bring together the department and students majoring in Business Administration to discuss the anxieties experienced especially by students.


The hearing was held before the D day on October 17, 2020, the hearing was held formally with a committee that came as many as 7. The purpose of the hearing was to explain the limitations of the material to be discussed in the Academic Dialogue.
The material was delivered by the chief executive, Marsa Putri Maharani and moderated by Auni Putri Aurelia. The materials presented include Academic Dialogue About Learning, Academic Services, and Learning Facilities.

Dress rehearsal

The dress rehearsal will be held on Sunday, October 18, 2020. With the dress rehearsal, we can evaluate the shortcomings in the Academic Dialogue that will be carried out so that it runs smoothly. The dress rehearsal was only carried out by the D-Day committee with a total of approximately 19 people. Before the rehearsal, we decorated the place as planned, it took approximately 1 hour to decorate. After finishing the decorations, we immediately did a dress rehearsal according to the rundown that would be held on the D day.

H day

The H Day of the Academic Dialogue was held on October 19, 2020. There was a discussion of material on student unrest which was described in the Audience. The material includes Academic Dialogue about learning, academic services, and learning facilities at the Semarang State Polytechnic, especially in the Department of Business Administration. The materials were delivered by the moderator, Nazhifah Amalia, to the invited speakers.
Speakers on the subject of learning are 4 Heads of Study Programs, namely Mr. Suharmanto as Head of AB Study Program, Mr. Rustono as Head of ABT Study Program, Mrs. Sri Wahyuni as Head of MPI Study Program, and Mr. Zaenudin as Head of MBI Study Program. At the time of this material, the participants of the Academic Dialogue were active in conveying their aspirations due to a lot of anxiety experienced by students due to online learning.
Furthermore, there was a discussion of material on academic services, the speakers at the time of this material were the Head of BAKPK, namely Mrs. Sri Yati and the head of BUK, namely Mr. Purnomo. Speakers in this session brought and presented their respective materials, BAKPK focused more on material on quota assistance and BUK focused on material on UKT.
The last material is about learning facilities, especially in the AB department. The speakers this time were the Head of the Department, namely Mr. Dody and the Secretary of the Department, Mr. Suwardi. In this material, there are concerns about online learning media, especially Elnino.

The last session before closing there was a photo session with the participants of the Academic Dialogue, the group photo was taken by way of a zoom screenshot because the Academic Dialogue was held online.

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