National Conference of Industry, Engineering, and Technology

Assalammu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Dear Researcher, Lecturer, Practitioner and Student,

We, from the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines), invite researchers, lecturers, practitioners and students to submit the best papers in the context of the National Call for Papers Seminar with the theme Synergy of Vocational and Industrial Universities Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Keynote Speakers
1. Wikan Sakarinto, ST, M.Sc, Ph.D
(Director General of Education
2. Dr. Totok Prasetyo, B.Eng, MT
(Director of Institutional Development
Dikti 2015–2019)
3. Warsono, B.Eng, S.Mn, M.Phil
(GM UIT Transmission Java Section
West, PT PLN (Persero))

Scope of Field/Topic
1. Design, Manufacturing &
Material; Automotive & Maintenance
2. Energy, Mechatronics & Electronics
3. Telecommunication Technology,
Information Technology
4. Industrial Chemistry, Environment

Important Dates
1. Full Paper Acceptance
September–17 October 2020
2. Full Paper Announcement received
October 26, 2020
3. Registration Payment Limit
October 31, 2020
4. Camera ready
October 31, 2020
5. Limit for Uploading Presentation Videos
November 3, 2020
6. Seminar Implementation
November 7, 2020

️ Ragil Tri Indrawati, ST, MT (
Anis Roihatin, ST, MT (

– General/Practitioner/Industrial
IDR 200,000.00
- Lecturer
IDR 100,000.00
- College student
IDR 50,000.00
IDR 25,000.00

Proceedings with ISSN (indexed by Google Scholar and DOI)

The committee will carry out an assessment process to determine the best scientific work in each field, as well as the favorite scientific work chosen by the public/public (through the official NCIET channel). Furthermore, each selected category will present their scientific work in the National Seminar which will be held virtually.


The launch of the Vocational Home (Vocational Steering Forum) by the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Anwar Makarim, BA, MBA, was greeted with optimism by vocational education providers, including the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines). The existence of a program to align vocational education institutions with the business world and the world of work (IDUKA) encourages the Polynes Mechanical Engineering Department to implement it.

The initial step that is deemed necessary is to open communication about the link & match format, in order to synergize the stakeholders. For this reason, the Mechanical Engineering Department of Polines held an academic scientific forum to convey the perception of the direction of vocational education from vocational education policy makers, Polines leaders, and industry. This activity is packaged in a national seminar and call for paper.

In line with the goal of the Vocational House which encourages sustainable links & matches, this national seminar is scheduled annually. The first time the NCIET was held in 2020, the theme carried was the Synergy of Vocational and Industrial Universities in the face of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Given the current conditions during the global COVID-19 pandemic, the 1st NCIET 2020 will be held online using a teleconference application.

We, the entire committee look forward to the participation of researchers, lecturers, students, the industrial world, and general participants from all regions of Indonesia to share information and innovations in technology applications.

See you at the 1st NCIET 2020 via our virtual platform.

Wassalammu'alaikum Wr. Wb.


1st NCIET 2020 Committee Chair
Dr. Dwiana Hendrawati, ST, MT

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