Ministry of Social Affairs Collaborates with Polines in Community Empowerment Program

The Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) won the trust of the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) in the field of social empowerment in the field of social entrepreneurship. This is stated in the cooperation document signed by Ir. Supriyadi, MT (Director of Polines) and Pepen Nazaruddin, Director General of Social Empowerment, Ministry of Social Affairs. The signing ceremony took place at the Grand Mercure Harmoni Hotel, Jakarta, Wednesday (19/2) and witnessed directly by Social Minister Juliari P Batubara.

Director of Polines, Ir. Supriyadi, MT said that his party was collaborating with the Ministry of Social Affairs to accompany the Social Empowerment Acceleration Program. "As a coordinator for the Central Java region," he said. Its activities include business incubators for underprivileged communities to be empowered and directed to become: Start-ups, Skill-ups, entrepreneurship, so that they can be independent.

Polines is partnered with to assist empowerment in 6 regencies/cities in Central Java, namely the districts/cities of Semarang, Kendal, Magelang, Kudus, and Rembang.

In addition to Polines, the Ministry of Social Affairs also cooperates with other universities, namely Padjadjaran University, Jember University, and Jambi State University. These 4 universities were invited to take part in the empowerment program for beneficiary families (KPM).

Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P. Batubara is committed not to maintain poverty. This year there are three social empowerment programs that are the focus of attention, including social entrepreneurship which is increased 10 times.

The recipients of Social Entrepreneurship assistance are based on data from the Family Hope Program (PKH) which currently amounts to 10 million or 18% from the complementarity of the Ministry of Social's program. The budget for Social Entrepreneurship, meanwhile per KPM will receive IDR 3.5 million, or a total of around IDR 50 billion.

On the same occasion, the Director General of Social Empowerment Pepen Nazaruddin stated that the Entrepreneurship Program was a work priority for 2020. “Social Entrepreneurship is a new program because the Minister of Social Affairs wants to increase empowerment more. Not secondary to social assistance, it still exists. But, it will be continued with social empowerment," said Pepen.

 “The budget for Social Entrepreneurship, meanwhile per KPM will receive Rp 3.5 million. The total is around Rp 50 billion," said Pepen. In addition, per KPM will also receive government assistance for their entrepreneurial institutions of around Rp. 1 million. "Because they need money to develop their business," he said.

The plan continues to be discussed because each region requires different costs. The Ministry of Social Affairs is still discussing the index, or the average business development cost of KPMs. “This year, we have actually implemented 1,400 KPM for the Entrepreneurship Program. However, because the Minister wants to add more, we are pushing it again," said Pepen.

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