The Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) opens the opportunity for SMA/MA/SMK students to continue their studies at the tertiary level through the admission of new students for the 2020/2021 academic year. The new student admission program with the name New Student Admission Selection (SPMB) Polines is divided into several entry routes.
Namely the Invitation Path (National Selection to Enter State Polytechnic -SNMPN), Hafidz Al Qur'an Path, Cooperation Path (MAJ, MSU), Written Examination Path (Academic Potential Selection-SPA, Joint Selection to Enter State Polytechnic-SBMPN, Independent Examination-UM ), and the Applied Masters Path (S2) in Telecommunication Engineering.
Director of Polines, Ir. Supriyadi, MT said that currently Polines has 24 study programs (prodi). Consisting of 12 Diploma 3 (D3) study programs, 11 Applied Bachelor study programs and 1 Applied Masters study program. "Currently Polines has been accredited to Institution A from BAN-PT," he explained in his office, Polines Campus, Tembalang, Tuesday (11/2). Polines, continued Supriyadi, currently has 10 study programs that have been accredited A from BAN-PT, the rest are accredited B. "We are committed, in the future all study programs at Polines are expected to be accredited A," said Supriyadi.
So that students will be competitive when they graduate in the world of work, Polines provides soft skills college student. "In addition, as capital in global competition, Polines students are equipped with the ability to master foreign languages, especially English, certification and entrepreneurship as well as programmed internships," he explained. Programmed internships to improve professional competence, soft skills, as well as industrial work culture.
The number of registrants for SPMB Polines last year was 24,792 people. Meanwhile, 1,902 new students were accepted. The top three study programs that attracted applicants from various entry points for SPMB Polines last year as the first choice were the first place in the D3 Accounting study program. With registrants as many as 2,241 people. The second highest number of registrants chose the D3 Business Administration study program with 2,100 registrants. While the third rank is D3 Civil Construction with 1,823 registrants. He hopes, registrants are observant in choosing study programs. Given the increasingly fierce competition among registrants.
Furthermore, according to the Director of Polines, the reason for high school graduates or equivalent to study at Polines is that Polines is a vocational PTN that produces graduates who are ready to work in the business and technology industries. Also the study period at Polines is relatively shorter, namely three years for the Diploma program and four years for the Applied Bachelor program. And considering the ease of finding a job because the curriculum at Polines is designed with relatively more practical material than theory-based Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI).
For SMA/SMK/MA graduates who are interested in studying at the Polines, now several Polynes New Student Admission Selection (SPMB) routes have been opened. Namely, the SNMPN line is open until March 6, 2020. The SPA line is open until February 21, 2020, the Hafidz Al Qur'an line is open until February 21, 2020. Online registration on line via page